Rocket Jo

Rocket Jo Season 1

TV Show

Season 1 Episodes

1. Rocket Jo needs that helmet

September 1st, 2009

The jet pack takes off without Rocket Jo! He stares up at the sky, a dazed look on his face. A few seconds later, various pieces of the dismantled jet pack start raining down, one by one – the engine, then the turbine blades, next the reactor, then the steering levers. RJ deftly dodges these falling projectiles, which wind up sticking out of the ground. Proud of his dexterity, he starts tooting his own horn. Then, all of a sudden, the heftiest part of the jet pack – the refrigerator – comes plummeting down on top of him! Rocket Jo leaps feverishly out of the door, then lumbers a few feet, before finally crumpling in a heap of defeat!