Season 1 Plot
The popular American comedienne in her first British series, featuring stand-up comedy, sketches and songs
Rita Rudner Season 1 aired on September 18th, 1990.
Season 1 Episodes
1. Jennifer Saunders
Voted the 1990 Comedienne of the Year by the American public, Rudner tonight begins her first British television series, featuring stand-up comedy, sketches and songs. Featuring guest star Jennifer Saunders.
2. Stephen Fry
The popular American comedienne in her first British series, featuring stand-up comedy, sketches and songs. Featuring special guests Stephen Fry and Jonathan Ross.
3. Michael Fenton-Evans
Singer, actress, dancer, comedienne: these are just some of the words the popular American comic can spell. Rita Rudner 's first British series features stand-up comedy, sketches and songs. Featuring special guest, Jennifer Saunders
4. Griff Rhys-Jones
The popular American comedienne in her first British series, featuring stand-up comedy, sketches and songs, with her guest Griff Rhys Jones
5. Jeniffer Saunders
Rita tries to buy a home in Beverly Hills and finds she has enough money to buy a tap. With Jennifer Saunders and Helen Atkinson Wood
6. Adrian Edmondson
The last in the series from the American comedienne. Her special guest is Ade Edmondson. Rita's visa expires and she has to go home; and Ade makes an appeal.