
Rebelde Season 3: Episode Guide & Ratings

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Season 3 Episodes


1. Que no se sepa la verdad

January 16th, 200644 min

Alma warns Reverte that she will not allow him to tell Roberta the truth and will travel with them. José asks Luciano to work in a company to investigate a matter. Iñaki makes fun of Diego.

2. Divulgar su peor secreto

January 17th, 200643 min

Miguel invites Sabrina to the Vacance Club; Pilar and Sol pretend to know what Mía's worst secret is in order to divulge it; Diego tells Roberta that he never thought that she would allow herself to be dominated; Lupita doesn't know whether to get back with Nico or to go with Santos.

3. Valle de Bravo

January 18th, 200644 min

Nico returns from a trip, talks to Lupita to clear things up, and complains about her being with another man. The guys go on vacation to spend New Years together.

4. Cuéntame tu secreto

January 19th, 200644 min

Miguel invites Sabrina to spend New Year's Eve with them in Valle. Roberta is jealous of Lupita's sister because she goes out with Diego. Mia prepares the meeting of the secrets with Vico and Celina, Pilar records the conversation. Alma stays with Franco.

5. Lola se emborracha

January 20th, 200644 min

Sabrina thanks Miguel for the time he spends with her. A thief steals Pilar's recorder, everyone looks for the thief. Lola drinks alcohol to show that she is not a girl. Roberta slaps Diego for getting Lola drunk.

6. Acaba el año

January 23rd, 200644 min

Miguel returns the lost recorder to Martín to give it to Gastón. Alma spends the New Year with Franco, Karla interrupts her dinner. Everyone enjoys the New Year's party on the Valle de Bravo yacht, Nico celebrates with his father in the church.

7. Regalos para los niños

January 24th, 200644 min

Miguel runs away from school to accompany Sabrina to her tests, Téo asks his father to help them so they can escape. Mía finds out that Miguel is with Téo's mother and she goes to look for him at the hospital. Roberta tries to stop Mía.

8. Una persona muy falsa

January 25th, 200644 min

Bianca tells Rocco that she and Lola stole some tests; Roberta tells Mía that Miguel didn't go with Sabrina because he was with her; Roberta insists that Sabrina seems very fake to her; at the Casa Hogar, they are surprised to see Reverte enter.

9. Asalto a la carnicería

January 26th, 200643 min

A woman robs Don Cosme's butcher shop and hits Diego. Téo finds José in the hospital and confronts her, but is beaten by Luciano. Roberta finds Alma and Franco about to kiss. Miguel confesses to Mía that he saw Sabrina.

10. No seas novia de Franco

January 27th, 200643 min

Roberta asks her mother not to have any relationship with Franco because he is Mía's father and because they are also very different.

11. Sin secretos entre nosotros

January 30th, 200645 min

Lola hits Lupita. León orders the closure of Giovanni's parents' butcher shop. Mía tells Miguel that she will no longer be angry that Sabrina is his friend in exchange for him not hiding anything from her.

12. Jugar al carnicero

January 31st, 200643 min

Iñaki is left without Paloma and Roberta. León orders Diego to leave the band as a condition of reopening the butcher shop. Alma tells Franco that they should forget about their feelings. Sabrina looks for Miguel at school and runs into Mía.

13. Martín, el actor

February 1st, 200645 min

Diego gets Giovanni's parents two larger locations for their butcher shop. Franco convinces Alma to start a relationship. Paloma calls Iñaki "my love" in front of Roberta. Mía confronts Sabrina and asks if she has kissed Miguel.

14. Obligado a dejar la banda

February 2nd, 200644 min

Iñaki refuses to introduce Roberta to his parents as his girlfriend. Diego confesses that his father forced him to leave the band. Rocco discovers that Tato is selling stolen items. Roberta demands that Reverte tell her her story.

15. Una falsa historia

February 3rd, 200644 min

Reverte lies to Roberta so that she doesn't discover that he is her father. Lola tries to seduce Diego, but he rejects her. Roberta finds out that Iñaki doesn't even have cousins. Alma and Franco plan to live with Roberta so that she will accept Franco.

16. Grabar el primer disco

February 6th, 200643 min

Alma tells Roberta and Mía that they are all going to have dinner together at Franco's house. Raquel hits Sol for flirting with Téo. Johnny signs with RBD to record their first album. Sabrina takes advantage of Mía's absence and takes Miguel to dinner.

17. Consejos

February 7th, 200644 min

Roberta resists living with Franco and Mía. Santos talks to Lola to warn her that Diego is in love with Roberta. Miguel is seduced by Sabrina. Diego asks Roberta to resume their relationship.

18. Relaciones íntimas

February 8th, 200644 min

Miguel feels terrible for sleeping with Sabrina. They arrive to audit Pascual. Diego introduces Lola as his girlfriend. Mía confesses to Miguel that she is ready for her first time with him.

19. Descubriré lo que ocultas

February 9th, 200643 min

Roberta goes to Reverte's house. Miguel confesses that he didn't use protection with Sabrina. They choose Mía and Roberta as captains of the cheerleading team. Mía asks Roberta for sexual advice.

20. Visita al ginecólogo

February 10th, 200643 min

Roberta accompanies Mía to the gynecologist because she needs sexual guidance to plan her first time with Miguel.

21. Hablar de sexo

February 13th, 200644 min

Raymundo and Viridiana tell Lupita that Lola is adopted. Franco confesses to Mía and Miguel that he doesn't know how to talk about sex with them. Alma and Franco kiss and Reverte is upset when he sees them. The kids from the other institute arrive and the rivalry begins.

22. En ridículo

February 14th, 200644 min

Celina gets excited to learn that Max is waiting for her. Max makes Sol believe that Téo gave her a gift. Sol is embarrassed when Téo rejects her in front of Mía. Sol shows Miguel a photo of Mía with Enzo. Alma and Reverte argue and Roberta sees them.

23. Pelea entre escuelas

February 15th, 200644 min

Sol lies to Gandía about Mía sleeping with the boys from the opposing team. The Elite students fight with the Latinoamericano students. Mía thanks Celina for saving her from Sol's scheming.

24. Vico es detenida

February 16th, 200644 min

Roberta and Iñaki follow Reverte and kidnap his dog. Bustamante tells Diego that he wants to get married. Tato goes out with Vico and leaves her abandoned in the middle of a raid. Sol meets Sabrina and they begin to ally against Mía.

25. Encubridor

February 17th, 200644 min

José discovers that Luciano had to escape from the place where he was put to work; Galia asks Pascual to cover up the crimes of his bosses; Reverte discovers that Roberta stole his dog; Sabrina tells Sol that she had relations with Miguel.

26. Que Mía se entere

February 20th, 200643 min

Sol leaves Mía an anonymous note, informing her about Sabrina's relationship with Miguel. Fátima asks José what she knows about Gastón. Vico talks to Miguel about his lover and promises not to tell Mía anything. Sol insists that Mía find out everything.

27. Cuéntame la verdad

February 21st, 200643 min

Roberta insists that Reverte tell her the truth. Gastón tells Gandía that Fátima has a shady past. Miguel does not want to see Sabrina again. Nico asks Lupita to resume their courtship. Galia wants to divorce Pascual.

28. Alma y Martín ¿novios?

February 22nd, 200643 min

Diego asks Roberta to help him so that León does not find out that he is still in the band; Mía receives a letter from Sabrina and Miguel takes it from her; Fátima cries and tells Gastón that she was fired. Roberta tells Alma and Martín that she already knows that they are dating.

29. ¿Vico es maltratada?

February 23rd, 200644 min

Alma accepts that she is with Reverte so that Roberta does not find out that he is her father. Franco tells Reverte to stay with her. Rocco asks Mía to find out if Vico is mistreated by her father. Roberta complains to Alma that she was not there in her childhood.

30. Estado de coma

February 24th, 200645 min

Téo's mother suffers a crisis and goes into a coma. Rocco deduces that Vico is mistreated by her boyfriend. Nico and Lupita kiss while Santos watches them.

31. No hay nada entre nosotros

February 27th, 200644 min

Téo's father informs him that they have to take his mother to a clinic in the north of the country. Alma explains to Franco that she has no relationship with Reverte. Max kisses Celina. Santos tells Roberta that he will have to forget about Lupita.

32. No te metas en mi vida

February 28th, 200645 min

Lupita and Nico resume their courtship. Vico asks Mía not to interfere in her life. Lola tells Roberta that she saw Iñaki kiss another girl. Téo tells José that he decided to go live with his father.

33. Para que Téo se quede

March 1st, 200645 min

The day of the tournament has arrived and the kids from the Elite Way School are ready to win it. Alicia and Alma lock Walter up in revenge for stealing the Elite team's strategies. Gustavo asks José to convince Téo.

34. Objetos robados

March 2nd, 200645 min

Roberta meets Javier. Lupita asks Nico not to be so jealous of her. Celina cries for Max, and Alma advises her to show indifference. Roberta finds out that Iñaki cheated on her and that his alleged cousin is his girlfriend. Vico realizes that Tato is a thief.

35. La familia de Vico

March 3rd, 200644 min

Vico talks with Rocco about the mistreatment she suffers from her father. Diego has to put up with the son of León's girlfriend, who seems to be perfect, Javier. Max confesses to Sol that he likes Celina and she tells him that she doesn't like men. Javier kisses Roberta.

36. Rehabilitación

March 6th, 200643 min

Roberta tells Alma about Iñaki's deception and she is sad. Sol complains to Celina that she stole her boyfriend. Pilar doesn't know how to react to her parents' divorce. Vico's father apologizes.

37. Hijo del jefe de Gobierno

March 7th, 200644 min

Reverte will wait to tell Roberta the truth. Max complains to Celina that she likes women; Johnny worries that Diego is the son of the head of government. José suspects that Ricardo Cisniega and Gastón Diestro could be father and son.

38. Cuento premiado

March 8th, 200645 min

José is awarded first place for the story she wrote. Pascual finds Pilar and Tomás kissing in the cafeteria. Vico advises Mía to talk to Alma about her first time with Miguel.

39. Ayudar a Reverte

March 9th, 200644 min

Mía talks to Alma and asks her for advice on the first intercourse. Elite students defend their place in the intercollegiate tournament. Javier enters Roberta's room and steals her diary.

40. Encierran a Sol

March 10th, 200644 min

Guadalupe ends her relationship with Nico.

41. Fastidiar a Diego

March 13th, 200645 min

Javier tries to impress Roberta.

42. Acusada con su papá

March 14th, 200643 min

Miguel visits Sabrina.

43. Cartas anónimas

March 15th, 200643 min

Sabrina visits Miguel at school.

44. Viaje a Puerto Vallarta

March 16th, 200645 min

León and Inés confront Javier for having been expelled from his school. Alma breaks up with Franco since she feels rejected. Roberta and Diego plan to send Mía and Miguel on a trip so that she does not find out about the rumor.

45. Revelaciones

March 17th, 200645 min

Alma agrees to marry Franco. Roberta discovers who her real father is. Mía finds out what happened between Miguel and Sabrina from Celina's mouth. Miguel confesses to Franco what happened with Sabrina.

46. Papá golpeador

March 20th, 200644 min

Mía asks Franco to change her to another school. León orders Diego to take care of Javier now that he has entered Elite Way School. Mía returns to school to complain to Celina and Victoria about not having told her about Miguel's infidelity.

47. Quieren dejar la banda

March 21st, 200644 min

Sabrina confesses to Miguel that she is not pregnant; Diego hits Javier, and León sees it; Mía tells Miguel that she forgives him, but her relationship cannot continue; Diego assures Roberta that he did not steal her diary; Mía and Roberta want to leave RBD.

48. No te hagas el héroe

March 22nd, 200644 min

Diego announces that RBD is going on tour, but the girls decide not to go because of Mía. Reverte manages to get the students to win first place in the intercollegiate, and Roberta gets upset because she thinks he is playing the hero.

49. La gira

March 23rd, 200643 min

Pascual tells Reverte that he will have to accompany the students on their trip. Franco gets upset with Alma for authorizing Mía's release from school for the RBD tour. Javier suggests that León go to the beach with his Elite mates.

50. Fotógrafa oficial

March 24th, 200644 min

Alma asks Franco if he is sure to break up with her; Diego assures that his father is in New York and will not know that they are on tour; Miguel doesn't know how to tell Mía that Sabrina is the official RBD photographer; Sol abandons Celina in the jungle.

51. Concierto en Monterrey

March 27th, 200644 min

Mía finds out that Sabrina will be at the RBD concert in Monterrey and is saddened; Max arrives in Puerto Vallarta and, upon seeing Celina, he tells her that he loves her. Roberta tells Mia not to let Sabrina discourage her from singing.

52. León está en Puerto Vallarta

March 28th, 200643 min

José and Celina are scared to see Javier and to find out that León is in Puerto Vallarta; RBD's concert is a success, and Mía thanks Roberta for her advice; Javier tells León that Diego is with a girl to distract him.

53. Turbulencia en el aire

March 29th, 200643 min

RBD's plane experiences terrible turbulence caused by a storm.

54. Todo fue una broma

March 30th, 200642 min

RBD arrives in Puerto Vallarta to meet the other students from the school. The students have fun together on the beach.

55. Celos y reconciliación

March 31st, 200644 min

Miguel finds Mía talking with Lucca in the pool. Giovanni gets bottles of liquor for the beach party. Mía talks to Celina and Vico and they become best friends again.

56. Poner las cosas en claro

April 3rd, 200643 min

Before returning, the students do one last activity in the sea. Miguel sends Santos to investigate Mía, but she finds out and says she slept with Lucca. Martín confesses his love intentions to Carla.

57. Basta de peleas

April 4th, 200643 min

Miguel demands an explanation from Mía about Lucca. Roberta warns Diego that if Mía and Miguel keep fighting, it will end RBD. Javier lies to Roberta that Diego is saying he can have her whenever he wants.

58. Roberta, castigada

April 5th, 200644 min

Gastón warns José not to continue investigating him; Javier threatens Diego; Roberta rejects Diego when he asks her to be his girlfriend; Roberta is punished for entering Diego's room; José tells Gastón that she already knows the truth.

59. Serenata

April 6th, 200644 min

Diego and Miguel serenade Mía and Roberta, but they take it as a mockery; Pilar tells the students that her father has already run to Reverte; Roberta asks Alma to take her to her father's house.

60. Hay que perdonar

April 7th, 200644 min

Roberta reaches out to Reverte. Santos tells Mía that the way to show love is forgiving. Mía asks Rocco to track down her dad to find out who is his girlfriend.

61. Te desenmascararé

April 10th, 200643 min

Alma takes reporters to Elite Way and thus forces León not to expel any student and Reverte returns to school; Diego warns Javier that he will expose him in front of Roberta; Mía argues with Franco for refusing to withdraw his support for Miguel.

62. Alma está celosa de Reverte

April 11th, 200643 min

Franco wants to confess to Mía that he's with Alma, but she doesn't want Roberta to find out. Franco offers Miguel a job. Alma, jealous of Reverte, tells Roberta that if she wants to, she can go with him. Javier hits Diego and leaves him unconscious.

63. ¿Qué le pasó a Diego?

April 12th, 200640 min

Roberta tells León that Diego fell by himself; Javier confesses to Reverte that he was the one who hit Diego; Sol is enraged when she discovers that her plan to separate Tomás and Pilar failed; José receives an email informing her that her tutor died.

64. Diego en el hospital

April 13th, 200643 min

Roberta believes that Gastón was the one who sent the email to José so that she would stop investigating him; Inés and León tell Javier that he will enter a school according to his personality.

65. Patria potestad

April 14th, 200642 min

León shows Diego his office, so he can start working with him; a friend of Sabrina's calls Miguel to warn him that he did not have sexual relations with her; Franco tells Alma not to be too hasty in relinquishing Roberta's custody.

66. Javier ¿se queda o se va?

April 17th, 200644 min

Mía finds out that Miguel is cheating on her and plans her revenge. Alma is going to relinquish custody of Roberta as long as she is happy. Franco talks to Alma and asks her to give Roberta time to make the right decision. León tells Inés that Diego will decide whether to accept Javier back to Elite Way. Javier convinces Roberta to run away. Pilar learns of her parents separation.

67. Mentiroso

April 18th, 200643 min

Alma is desperate because of Roberta's disappearance; Nobody at school knows anything. José and Lupita lie to Alma by telling her that they don't know where Roberta went. Javier helps Roberta to escape from her, but in the end she regrets it. Miguel wants to get the tape of the day he was with Sabrina to see if they had sex or not. Sol makes up a story about Tomás sending her chocolates.

68. Reverte piensa renunciar

April 19th, 200642 min

Roberta pretends to agree to Alma's signing custody over to her dad. Reverte tells Roberta he came to the school to be near her but that he'll quit. Lola searches through Lupita's things and finds papers that says she is adopted.

69. No es malo ser adoptado

April 20th, 200643 min

Roberta comforts Lola, telling her there's nothing wrong with being adopted. Roberta says goodbye to Alma. Gandía signs José's indefinite suspension.

70. Regresa Madariaga

April 21st, 200642 min

Miguel tells his friends that Gastón kicked José out in the middle of the night. Hilda finds José and takes her home. Madariaga returns to the school. Roberta spends her first night at her father's house.

71. La historia de Julia

April 24th, 200642 min

The students complain about Julia to Gandía. Julia tells everyone her boyfriend left her to marry her best friend. Sabrina and Miguel talk about RBD. Sol confesses to Raquel that she will win Gastón over to make him forget Mía. Miguel and Mía tell Roberta that there will be no protest because they have been discovered. Professor Enrique meets Julia.


72. Sabrina mánager de RBD

April 25th, 200643 min

Roberta talks to José and tells her that Gastón hates her. Alma donates all of Roberta's clothes to a home.

73. Gastón y José

April 26th, 200644 min

Gastón is wanted by the police and believes that José was the one who called them. Mía sets a trap for Sol to stop using her perfume. Téo and Miguel go with the police to Gastón's house. Miguel wants to prevent Gastón from leaving.

74. A pesar de todo

April 27th, 200643 min

Gastón is seriously ill in the hospital and receives a visit from Enrique, who takes the opportunity to ask him for a favor. Miguel finds Franco and Alma kissing, but they ask him not to tell Roberta and Mía anything. José is afraid that Gastón will die.

75. Profunda tristeza

April 28th, 200643 min

León investigates Diego and realizes that he has been lying to him. Unintentionally, Sol discovers that Franco and Alma are dating. The principal holds a meeting to decide who will occupy Gastón's position.

76. Permiso materno

May 1st, 200643 min

Diego decides to leave the group because his father does not accept that he is a singer. Javier wants to replace Diego in RBD. José talks to Lola and tells her that it is painful to be an orphan.

77. Daría todo por RBD

May 2nd, 200644 min

Professor Enrique talks to Diego and tells him that he will be able to travel to the tour in Los Angeles. León tells Madariaga he'll have him fired for helping Diego. Diego tells León he's willing to live on the street if necessary to stay in RBD. Mía finds out through an anonymous message that her father is dating Alma, she believes it's a lie.

78. No las dejen ir

May 3rd, 200644 min

Roberta is impressed by how Diego confronts his father. León tries to convince Franco and Alma not to let their daughters go to the concert. Pilar questions Tomás about Celeste. Celeste goes to the Elite to visit Giovanni. Lola's parents tell her the truth about her origin.

79. Mentiras y verdades

May 4th, 200643 min

Giovanni confesses to Tomás that he told Agustina about Celeste being his lover. Diego and Giovanni try to get Pilar to forgive Tomás. The band plans their Los Angeles tour and everyone is excited. Mía fights with Miguel at rehearsal because she is jealous of Sabrina. Franco gives Mía permission to go on a trip with Miguel.

80. Contrato para grabar

May 5th, 200642 min

Alma asks Franco to tell Mía the truth about Marina. Tomás hits Giovanni. Sabrina shows RBD a contract to make several records. Max tells Celina that he is in love with her. Pilar demands that Giovanni explain about his illness. Celina receives a visit from her mother, who makes her feel bad about her being overweight. León decides to punish Diego for continuing in the band.

81. Concierto en Los Ángeles

May 8th, 200638 min

Tomás tells Pilar there's nothing between Celeste and him. RBD's show at Memorial Coliseum is a success. Madariaga gives José a letter from Gastón. Santos sends Lupita a rose with a dedication. RBD returns from tour with a big announcement.

82. Por amor

May 9th, 200643 min

Javier tells Roberta what he did that he blamed on Diego, all because he loves her. José's angry at Roberta for reading the letter Gastón left her.

83. Un gran padre

May 10th, 200642 min

Roberta hits Mía for saying she was a liar just like her mother. Upset with her dad, Roberta goes to Alma's. Diego finds out about Javier's lies.

84. Más conciertos

May 11th, 200641 min

Celina tells Mía that her dad and Alma really are together. Mía asks Alma to stay away from her dad. Miguel confronts Sabrina on her lies about them.

85. Mala elección de vestido

May 12th, 200643 min

Celina invites Vico to her sister's wedding, but Damiana kicks them out outraged by Celina's dress, but her boyfriend comforts her and they experience something they haven't done before. Lupita tells Roberta that Santos is with her now. Permissions to record the RBD disc are ready.

86. Madre soltera

May 15th, 200644 min

Roberta is very sad because she misses Alma, but she cannot forgive her for so much loneliness that she felt when she was a child. Martín Reverte talks to Roberta to get her to understand that her mom was a single parent and needed to work. Miguel faints when he tries to talk to Mía. Mía confronts Alma and Franco in front of Roberta.

87. Desmayo

May 16th, 200644 min

Roberta tells everyone Reverte's her dad. A farewell party is held for Reverte. Miguel faints again, and Dr. López tells Franco he's slipped into a coma. Téo suspects José's with Iñaki.

88. Alma contra León

May 17th, 200643 min

Mía tells an unconscious Miguel that she forgives him and that she doesn't want him to die. Alma confronts León for insulting and threatening Roberta. Raquel exposes Sol's lies and tells her that she can never be a top model because of her height.

89. Papeles comprometedores

May 18th, 200644 min

Diego tells León he'll leave Roberta and RBD. León influences the school directors to expel Roberta. Mía finds out Miguel was never unfaithful to her.

90. Documentos robados

May 19th, 200644 min

Diego asks his dad to help Roberta. Alma threatens León with disclosing documents that can ruin him. León wants Diego to help him get those documents.

91. Miguel está grave

May 22nd, 200643 min

Madariaga tells the students that Miguel is in critical condition. Reverte tells the members of RBD they must go on with their record. Alma demands León to reinstate Roberta and Professor Reverte to the school in exchange for some papers that compromise him.

92. Mujeres fuertes

May 23rd, 200644 min

Celina suspects she's pregnant. José reads Gastón's letter and finds out he admired her strength. Miguel opens his eyes, but doesn't recognize Mía. Diego makes it clear to León that he can take care of himself and doesn't need his money.

93. Amnesia

May 24th, 200643 min

Damiana causes Max to lose his job. Miguel can only remember Diego. Diego tries to help Miguel to remember. Mía is very upset because Miguel doesn't remember her. Javier tells José that Roberta feels sorry for her because she's an orphan. The students start looking for college.

94. Celina está embarazada

May 25th, 200643 min

Celina's pregnancy test comes out positive. Celina tells Sol she doesn't have what it takes to be a model. Sol withholds Max's letter to Celina.

95. Guardar secretos

May 26th, 200643 min

Marina tells Alma that it's best if Mía continues to think that she's dead. Roberta asks her classmates to keep Celina's pregnancy a secret.

96. Que Miguel se recupere

May 29th, 200644 min

Celina doesn't know what to do with her baby, she feels very lonely because Max left and Professor Madariaga advises her. Sol finds out about the pregnancy, blackmails Celina and her friends. Alma doesn't believe Marina's intentions to stay away from Mía. Madariaga's going to report José missing. RBD will wait for Miguel to recover. Pilar's bikini pictures send Gandía to the hospital.

97. Te engañé porque te quería

May 30th, 200644 min

Celina attends her first medical appointment. Marina apologizes to Franco for having abandoned him. León has Diego's work place closed down. Miguel asks Mía to help him remember about his girlfriend, but he thinks his girlfriend is Sabrina. Franco confesses to Mía that her mother's not dead.

98. Negocios sucios

May 31st, 200644 min

Mía tells her dad she hates him for lying to her and that she regrets that her mom didn't take her. Téo and Roberta find José at the Casa Hogar. Javier is accused of stealing thongs and panties from Elite Way students.

99. Mía busca a su mamá

June 1st, 200643 min

Mía wants to find her mother, but Franco tells her she's disappeared again. Miguel asks Diego and Roberta if Mía was his girlfriend. Gandía confesses the truth to Madariaga about León's threats to get him to agree to enter his business.

100. Golpe publicitario

June 2nd, 200643 min

Mía places an ad in the newspaper to locate her mom; Pascual refuses to defy León so as not to lose his job; León orders Diego to be kidnapped to use him as a publicity coup for his campaign; Mía and Marina meet.

101. Mía va a vivir con su mamá

June 5th, 200643 min

Marina explains to Mía why she left. Gandía refuses to quit. Alma's afraid that Franco and Marina might reconcile. Mía plans to go live with her mom. Roberta accepts León's blackmail and breaks up with Diego.

102. Boda y bebé

June 6th, 200644 min

Franco agrees to Mía going with her mother. Damiana learns that her daughter is pregnant and she demands a abortion. Celina tells her mom that she is going to marry Max. Alma's jealous of Marina.

103. Patria potestad y adopción

June 7th, 200645 min

Roberta asks Mía to support Miguel in his recovery. Franco tells Marina that he knows about her addiction. Alma and Franco plan to adopt José. Giovanni pretends to be gay to deceive Javier's father. Roberta accepts Colucci as her mother's partner. Miguel seeks to talk to Mía to reconcile.

104. Declaraciones de amor

June 8th, 200645 min

León's arrested. Celina has her dad's support. Mía begs Miguel not to go to Monterrey because she loves him, and Diego tells Roberta he loves her. Mía forgives her dad. Marina promises Mía to overcome her addictions.

105. Sé rebelde

June 9th, 200643 min

Franco and Alma get married, José thanks them for accepting her into their family. Diego and Roberta reconcile. Miguel asks Mía to marry him. Pascual closes the course. Roberta tells everyone that RBD will continue.

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