Season 1 Episodes
1. Hampton Court
Raymond Blanc first journeys to the impressive Hampton Court Palace as he finds its wonderful walled gardens and meets historian Tracy Borman.
2. Castle of Mey
Raymond Blanc journeys to the northernly tip of Scotland and the majestic Castle of Mey that was once home to Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother.
3. Dumfries House
Raymond visits the splendid Dumfries House during a trip to Ayrshire, and hears how King Charles III's passion for sustainability is being passed on.
4. Hillsborough Castle
Raymond visits Hillsborough Castle and Gardens - the official royal residence in Northern Ireland - and learns about both of their histories.
5. Highgrove
Raymond visits a very special house and garden in Highgrove, a beloved home to King Charles III with impressive gardens and educational centres.
6. Hampton Court Palace
Raymond is back at Hampton Court Palace to meet one of its oldest residents and learn how Georgian hot chocolate would have been made.
7. Castle of Mey
Raymond is once again at the farthest tip of mainland Scotland to learn about what it takes to grow produce - including peaches - in its grounds.
8. Dumfries House
Raymond returns to Dumfries House to visit its Education Garden, make an aubergine parmigiana, and learn about its rare breeds of chicken.
9. Hillsborough
Raymond returns to the magnificent Hillsborough to learn about its gardens' extensive restoration and see some extraordinary fruits grown there.