The Parable of the Pirate and the King Plot
Exploring the metaphysics of Black life through avant-garde storytelling, the second season follows Terence and Najja, a couple working towards healing generational wounds and reintroducing themselves to the ways of their ancestors. Each explores a different dimension while presenting a rich tapestry of audio and visuals to illustrate the spiritual practice of Black liberation.
Random Acts of Flyness The Parable of the Pirate and the King aired on December 10th, 2022.
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The Parable of the Pirate and the King Episodes
1. The First Dimension: The Meaning of Your Name
While working on her latest game, Najja takes a unique and murderous approach to ritual. After having his wounds appraised, Terence has all the guidance he needs for the 6-dimensional journey ahead.
Terence’s wound MANDY is maaaaad loud – and has been talking out of pocket to Najja – so Terence attempts to silence that dude… forever. Najja prepares for the ritual to end, or begin, all rituals – which apparently requires a very specific hat.
3. The Third Dimension: G/D Does Not Submit and Other...
At Glorious’ birthday, Najja performs the ritual to end all rituals. Later, a rebirth leads to a revelation.
4. The Fourth Dimension: SpaceTime / BodySpirit
Apparently you gotta use time to move in space, so while working on Ajjan, Terence and Najja hit a roadblock that neither flight nor teleportation can solve – and turn to couples therapy for guidance. Later, they plan a parallel journey back to The Source.
5. Fifth Dimension: The Parable of the Pirate and the King
As he and Najja reunite with their ancestral lands, Terence speaks the parable of the pirate and the king. Which are you? Pirate or King?
6. The Sixth Dimension: All Possible Possibilities of Together...
As her funders press for the release of Ajjan, Najja finds herself in the midst of an initiation in which she learns what it means to be king. After the creator of BBHMM is accused of fraud, Terence and the remaining members of the Nance family make contact with an ancestor for guidance.