Series 1 Plot
Set in and around the Manchester 'scene', this groundbreaking drama was written by Russell T Davis, and documents the lives and loves of three young gay men: Stuart, Vince and Nathan.
Queer as Folk Series 1 aired on February 23rd, 1999.
Series 1 Episodes
1. Thursday
Canal Street, Manchester. It's Thursday and that means nineties night in the Babylon Club. Phil hasn't pulled and nor has Vince, but Vince is being followed by a muscle man. Stuart has pulled and is just getting his admirer's phone number before they all head home.
2. Stuart Alan Jones
Nathan tells his friend Donna that he fancies a male pupil, and had met and had sex with Stuart. She thinks it's great. Stuart meets a man at work who is married with kids, and they have sex. Marcie informs Vince that new recruit Rosalie fancies him. She arranges for them to meet in a pub after work.
3. A Night Out
Vince is trying to match Phil with Alexander, but Alexander returns from holiday with new boyfriend Lee. They met during the flight and Lee doesn't speak English.
4. D.I.S.C.O.
Vince and Stuart attend Phil's funeral... in the quiet village where he grew up. Phil had planned the whole event meticulously; it is gloriously tacky, and at the same time deeply depressing, especially in the face of Mrs. Delaney's bewilderment. Vince is nervous because Phil nominated him for the reading; the lines to Phil's favourite song, D.I.S.C.O.
5. The Date
Nathan wakes up with Daniel, aka Dazz, not much older than him but more experienced. Stuart wakes up with two more attractive strangers.
6. Meet the Parents
Stuart and Marie visit their parents. It's obvious that this is a rare occurrence and that, surprisingly, Stuart has never discussed his sexuality with them, which puts constraints on their relationship. Meanwhile Vince takes Cameron to meet his mum.
7. Thirty
Stuart throws a huge surprise party... for Vince's 30th birthday. Things start to go badly wrong when Rosalie turns up. For reasons of his own Stuart has invited her, and he makes things worse by introducing her to Cameron. A distraught Rosalie leaves, Vince is furious and he and Cameron leave as quickly as possible.
8. Punchline
Vince is experiencing intense paranoia at work. Petrified that Rosalie has revealed his secret, he is convinced every peal of laughter coming from the women on the shopfloor is at his expense.