Season 1 Episodes
1. The Paradise Run
Johnny has joined the army because he likes canoeing, but ends up in a war-torn city and is compromised into helping the enemy. However, desertion will not be a solution, and he finds himself more distressed than ever.
2. The Lifeswappers
Trevor has rotten job and a bitchy wife so answers an advert to become a "life-swapper". Once Trevor starts life swapping he can't foresee where it will end nor which life to pick.
3. Sunshine in Brixton
16-year-old Otis wants to be a professional footballer but hates going to school as he is often sent to headmaster to be disciplined. When new sports teacher arrives things look up but he learns sportsman need to be discipline too.
4. Hitting Town
Ralph decides his sister Clare needs cheering up following the break up of her marriage. The pair hit the town and Clare struggles to control Ralph's outrageous behaviour. Returning to her flat they pair end up in bed together.
5. Fast Hands
Jimmy is a talented young boxer. Every punch he throws is eagerly watched by his trainer, and resented by his girlfriend. His parents, however, aren't particularly interested - until a large car and what appears to be a handsome contract arrive at the door.
6. Shuttlecock
9-year-old Harry finds himself a pawn in the battle between his divorced parents. His father Sam expects Harry to be a man and treats him accordingly. As the boy withdraws into himself his father ramps up the pressure.