Inigo Pipkin Episodes
1. Mr Pipkin’s Workshop
This is Mr Pipkin's Workshop. Come on in and look around. See all those puppets ? Well, Mr Pipkin made them and they are rather special, for they can dance and sing just like humans.
2. Topov the Monkey
Mr Pipkin and Johnny have finished making a monkey puppet, but as Hartley Hare points out, it doesn’t move...
3. A Name for the Monkey
Now that the monkey can move, Mr Pipkin and Johnny think very hard for a name, they even ask Tortoise for help. What can they call the newcomer ?
4. Mr Pipkin’s Nephew
Mr Pipkin’s nephew, Fred, visits the workshop and tells his uncle that he is entering a bicycle race, but funny things seem to happen to Fred…
5. Hartley’s Glasses
Hartley cannot find his glasses. Are they lost, or has someone hidden them? Poor Hartley is in for a worrying time…
6. Octavia
7. Episode 7
8. Episode 8
9. Episode 9
10. Episode 10
11. Episode 11
12. Episode 12
13. Episode 13
14. Episode 14
15. Episode 15
16. Episode 16
17. Episode 17
18. Episode 18
19. Episode 19
20. Episode 20
21. Episode 21
22. Episode 22
23. Episode 23
24. Going to the Seaside
Mr Pipkin, Johnny, Hartley, Tortoise and even naughty Topov are all going away to the seaside for a holiday. Dr Stethoscope is going with them to make sure that no one, especially Hartley, gets a cold.