Season 1 Plot
The first field deployment of Lieutenant Tul, a rookie officer assigned to the Criminal Investigation Department, unexpectedly brings her face-to-face with Dr. Cherran, a physician from the Institute of Forensic Sciences. Their differing work attitudes create a considerable gap between them, making it challenging to find common ground. Amidst the crime scenes reflecting societal issues, Detective Tul also contends with pressures from a working system favouring influential groups. She navigates the interference aimed at protecting allies and the societal currents that could influence the case's outcome.
Petrichor Season 1 aired on November 23rd, 2024.
Season 1 Episodes
1. Rusty Rain, The Murderer and Their First Encounter.
2. What They Knew, What They Missed, and What They Will Discover.
Lieutenant Tul and Dr. Cherran investigate a murder case similar to an unsolved one from 18 years ago. During their search, they find a body in a suitcase floating in a river, further complicating the mystery.