Season 19 Episodes
1. Don Chisciotte (di Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra)
The theme of this episode is "Don Quixote", by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are class 3A of the Gualtiero classical high school in Orvieto and class 5A of the Euclide classical and scientific high school in Cagliari. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles.
2. Se non ora, quando? (di Primo Levi)
The theme of this episode is "If Not Now, When?", by Primo Levi, the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are the 5° B class of the Leonardo da Vinci scientific high school in Jesi and the 3° B class of the Mario Pagano classical high school in Campobasso. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles.
3. Casa Howard (di Edward Morgan Forster)
The theme of this episode is "Howard's End", by Edward Morgan Forster, the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are class 5°B of the Gian Domenico Cassini classical high school in Sanremo and class 5°A/L of the Colombo linguistic high school in Marigliano. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles.
4. Il cavaliere inesistente (di Italo Calvino)
The theme of this episode is "The Nonexistent Knight", by Italo Calvino, the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are class 3°F of the Carducci classical high school in Nola and class 5°B of the Vincenzo Lilla classical high school in Francavilla Fontana. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles.
5. Misery (di Stephen King)
The theme of this episode is "Misery", by Stephen King, the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are the 5°D class of the liceo classico Europeo Convitto Nazionale Umberto I in Turin and the 3°B class of liceo classico Muratori in Modena. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles.
6. Il sosia (di Fëdor Dostoevskij)
The theme of this episode is "The Double" by Fyodor Dostoevsky, the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are class 5°F of the liceo classico Michelangelo in Florence and class 5°A of the liceo classico Dante Alighieri in Rome. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles.
7. Il buio oltre la siepe (di Harper Lee)
The theme of this episode is "To Kill a Mockingbird", by Harper Lee, the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are class 5A of the Sandro Pertini scientific high school in Ladispoli and class 5H of the Guido Dorso industrial technical institute in Avellino. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles.
8. Il morto di Maigret (di Georges Simenon)
The theme of this episode is "Maigret's Dead Man", by Georges Simenon, the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are class 5°B/L of the Torricelli-Ballardini linguistic high school in Faenza and class 3°F of the Mariotti classical high school in Perugia. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles.
9. Febbre a 90° (di Nick Hornby)
The theme of this episode is "Fever Pitch" by Nick Hornby, the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are class 3°D of the Nicola Spedalieri classical high school in Catania and class 5°L/B of the Raffaello classical high school in Urbino. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles.
10. La stagione della caccia (di Andrea Camilleri)
The theme of this episode is "The Hunting Season" by Andrea Camilleri, the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are the 5°B/R class of the Giacomo Leopardi classical high school in Macerata and the 5°D class of the Ascanio Landi scientific high school in Velletri. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles.
11. Macbeth (di William Shakespeare)
The theme of this episode is "Macbeth", by William Shakespeare, the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are the 5°E class of the Michelangelo Grigoletti scientific high school in Pordenone and the 5°A class of the Cicerone-Pollione linguistic high school in Formia. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles.
12. Inferno (di Dante Alighieri)
The theme of this episode is "Inferno" by Dante Alighieri, the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are class 3°D of the Nicola Spedalieri classical high school in Catania and class 5°A of the Cicerone-Pollione linguistic high school in Formia. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles.