Season 2 Plot
"Paurashpur 2" is gripping as it depicts the clash of prophecy, power, and love in a fantastical country. Secrets, deception, and betrayal build a captivating narrative of intrigue as queens compete for the throne. Unravel the mysteries of Paurashpur as destinies are formed and the thrilling conclusion of the search for the supreme monarch approaches.
Paurashpur Season 2 aired on July 28th, 2023.
Season 2 Episodes
1. Thrones and Deceit
A Storm in the Palace Unleashed, as Curiosity Brews to Unravel the Pregnant Queen's Identity.
2. Love’s Battle
Raja Vichitrasen's Momentous Announcement Shakes the Kingdom, Revealing the Chosen Maharani.
3. Secrets and Shadows
In the Aftermath of Rukma Dai and Rani Vishaka's Demise, the Shadows of Doubt Envelop the Palace.
4. The Prophecy Unveiled
Past Meets Present as the 18-Year-Old Vision Materializes, Unveiling the Hidden Secrets.
5. The Dance of Power
The Throne's True Heir Ascends, and Paurashpur Reclaims Its Rightful Ruler in a Grand Culmination