1954/1955 Plot
The second season of Panorama began on the 20th of October. Similar to the first year, it was described as “a fortnightly topical magazine” by the Radio Times of the day. Again introduced by Max Robertson the series ran from the end of 1954 until the middle of 1955, ending on the 10th of August. (Information again collated from BBC Genome project at https://genome.ch.bbc.co.uk/)
Panorama 1954/1955 aired on October 20th, 1954.
1954/1955 Episodes
1. Episode 1
2. W Somerset Maugham
W Somerset Maugham has written a book about his favourite novels. In this interview, Malcolm Muggeridge questions him about his choices, beginning with one of the authors who didn't make it into his top ten. In selecting his personal favourites, and with some provocation from Muggeridge, Maugham reveals something of his own philosophy on the character of a good novelist.Please note, the original recording includes a brief dip in sound quality during this interview.
3. Episode 3
4. Episode 4
5. Episode 5
6. Episode 6
7. Episode 7
8. Episode 8
Malcolm Muggeridge and Sir Ronald Storrs discuss Lawrence of Arabia.
9. Episode 9
10. Episode 10
11. Episode 11
12. Episode 12
13. Episode 13
14. Episode 14
15. Salvador Dali
First transmitted in 1955. Malcolm Muggeridge talks with Spanish surrealist artist, Salvador Dali, who says that even if viewers only understand a little of his poor English, it will be a wonderful thing for them. Muggeridge questions him about how he cares for his magnificent moustache, his career as an artist and his interest in 'nuclear mysticism'.
16. Episode 16
17. Ed Murrow
First transmitted in 1955, Malcolm Muggeridge talks with American broadcast journalist Ed Murrow about the art of interviewing, commercial television, sponsorship and his memories of Britain during the war years.