Season 2 Plot
Season two introduces Cowboy Beckett and combines stunning images of Lurie’s paintings, original music, and irreverent point-of-view on topics such as tapping into one’s childlike artistic side, his overall ambivalence toward fame, and more.
Painting With John Season 2 aired on February 18th, 2022.
Season 2 Episodes
1. What?
John sacrifices his handsomeness for humanity – and the introduction of Cowboy Beckett.
2. Children Kicking Hamburger All Over the Highway
John yells at the moon for not keeping an appointment and gives a lecture about new technology in the theater.
3. The Bugs Are Winning
John recounts the time Joey Ramone waved at him.
4. Your Hands Have Turned into Lightbulbs
John scares people on bicycles while trying to explain that life is a beautiful and wonderful thing.
5. Small Car
John encounters a drunk pilot and decides it is safe to fly with him, while Ann Mary shares how she makes Weapon Potatoes.
6. Old Man Dancing
John talks about attending the 1962 World Series with his father.