Season 1 Plot
Earth is under attack from otherworldly creatures known as Evolutionary Invasion Objects, and only the agents of DOGOO, a government organization, can keep the monsters at bay. Armed with special weapons infused with the souls of distinguished historical figures, these fighters, recruited by an alien who watched its planet be destroyed by the Objects, are humanity’s best chance against the invaders. Teenager Shio Ogura used to be nothing but a loner and a military otaku, until one day she and her class went on a field trip to Taiwan and found themselves smack dab in the middle of an Object attack. To help save a new friend, the girl picks up a gun infused with the famed samurai Nobunaga Oda, thus securing her fate as the newest member of DOGOO, and protector of humanity!
Nobunagun Season 1 aired on January 5th, 2014.
Season 1 Episodes
1. Oda Nobunaga
Weapon otaku Ogura Sio is on a school trip to Taiwan when she and her classmates get caught up in an Evolutionary Invasion Object attack, not that she has any idea what is going on. And who is the guy with the knives?
2. Evolutionary Invasion Objects
The incident in Taiwan draws to a close, and Sio gets a chance to have a heart-to-heart with recovering Asao before deciding whether she will join the monster-fighting team or not.
3. Capa's Island
Sio starts intensive training at the Dogoo facility with war photographer Robert Capa. She manages to make some friends on base, but the reality of everyone's situation there is harsh.
4. Hurricane
Ogura and the others are sent to deal with an Evolutionary Invasion Object that can ride a hurricane.
5. The Second Platoon
Sio is assigned to the 2nd platoon. When she joins up with them on their airship, she learns that e-gene holders just keep getting weirder. Meanwhile, DOGOO learns something new about the Evolutionary Invaders--and it's not good news.
6. Monster Meat
Gaudi, Cyx, and Geronimo of the First Platoon crash-land on a snowy mountain. By coincidence, they come across a research outpost where something has gone horribly wrong...
7. Musashi Wonder
When a famed sunken battleship of the Japanese Imperial Navy starts wreaking havoc near the Panama Canal, Domoo realizes it's due to Evolutionary Invasion Objects, and sends in the Second Platoon
8. Tunnel
Vidocq discovers something important about how the Evolutionary Invaders are communicating. It's time for the 1st platoon to move out--and when the mission gets a little crazy, the 2nd platoon is called in to back them up.
9. Sio and Kaoru
Evolutionary Invasion Objects suddenly show up during Kaoru's visit to Sio, who is convalescing in a hospital in Japan.
10. Dogoo
As the plan to deal with the Objects in the tunnel takes shape, the commander remembers the ups and downs of her extra-long life.
11. Operation Stone Forest Part 1
Will Nobunagun's plan to capture the Evolutionary Invasion Object tunnel and destroy the original cells work? Nine E-gene holders begin Dogoo's most important operation yet.
12. Operation Stone Forest Part 2
Jack and Geronimo make a bet; Hunter has to learn to fight however he can. Meanwhile, Nobunagun faces a new threat.
13. Nobunagun
Who is Jack the Ripper? Sio gets let in on the secret as Operation Stone Forest comes to an end. And then?