Series 4 Plot
The fourth series follows a team of experts on a dark journey from the Arctic Circle to Southern Italy, from the Death Camps of Poland to the inside of Hitler’s rolling HQ aboard his personal train, as they uncover a Nazi world that has been hidden for decades.
Nazi Megastructures Series 4 aired on July 17th, 2017.
Series 4 Episodes
1. Hitler's War Trains
The Nazi empire ran on trains, from the personal trains of the leadership to the locomotives and service depots that serviced the network.
2. Hitler's Railways of Death
Railways were key to the planning and implementation of the Final Solution, used to bring victims to the death camps from all over Europe.
3. Hitler's Italian Fortress
The fortifications the Nazis built in northern Italy were meant to slow the Allied advance. Now the team reconstructs their extent and depth.
4. Hitler's Arctic Fortress
After invading Norway in the spring of 1940, Nazi armed forces proceeded to fortify the entire country for war against Britain and the Soviet Union.
5. Hitler's Propaganda Machine
The war was lost long before it ended, but the Nazi propaganda apparatus was designed to keep that truth from its subjects for as long as possible.
6. Hitler's Luftwaffe
The German air force was the most powerful and largest in Europe at the beginning of World War II, and it played a key part in Hitler's conquests.