Genesis Plot
Isaac struggles to find meaning in life until he comes across Virtual Reality.
My Virtual Escape Genesis aired on October 29th, 2017.
Genesis Episodes
1. Paralyzed
Isaac struggles with his family situation at home and decides to finally run away and break free...
2. A Brave New World
Isaac almost burns his whole house down and then tries to escape by playing E.V.E. Virtual Reality for the first time...
3. Sheriff & The Outlaw
Isaac returns the crystals to Michael and has an intense encounter with a rebel named "Arachnid".
4. Scouting Solomon's
Isaac and Arachnid infiltrate Solomon's hideout.
5. Fallen Angel
Isaac joins Michael on a mission to track down a thief that overdosed on "XP".
6. Sacrilegious
Mother Sarah attempts to save Isaac from his addictions...even though Isaac himself is busy switching drug dealers.
7. Christmas E.V.E.
In true Christmas fashion, Isaac runs away from home...but soon finds he cannot escape E.V.E.
8. God's Plan
Isaac and Arachnid launch an attack on Malachi to retrieve the stolen "XP" while Mother Sarah attempts to do the "Lord's" work.