Season 1 Episodes
1. Moog, Dillon, Millie & Lulu
Moog the flatulent feline, Dillon a nervous wreck of a dalmation, Millie a one-bunny demolition disaster, and Lulu the barren bull mastif.
2. J.D., Tigerlily, Ralph & Honkey
J.D. the dog who steals pants, Tigerlily the scrapping siamese, Ralph the bullying bunny, and Honkey the jealous cockatoo.
3. Whisper, Toby, Clouseau & Columbo
Whisper the serial killer ferret, Toby the green slime-drooling horse, Clouseau the weeing cat, and Columbo the flatulent pug.
4. Lexi, George, Walid, Jasmine & Domingo
Lexi the lickaholic dog, George the petulant parrot, Walid a lizard with problem skin, Jasmine the nightmare moggie, Domingo the dominant elpaca.
5. Ninja, Rupert, Dick & Phil & Hope
Ninja the crazy clawing cat, Rupert the pig with hoggishly bad breath, Dick and Phil the stinky terrapins, and Hope the great dane with a very itchy issue.
6. Charley, Mitzy, Rocco, Marley & Dillon
Charley the potty-mouthed parrot, Mitzy the Jack Russell with a problem bottom, Rocco the cat who wants to lick male human nipples, Marley the pint-sized horse who thinks he is a dog, and Dillon the Weimeraner who puts on an embarassing display for visitors.