Season 6 Plot
Season 6 of Mutual Of Omaha's Wild Kingdom
Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom Season 6 aired on January 7th, 1968.
Season 6 Episodes
1. To Catch a Giraffe
Marlin and Jim journey to Rhodesia to join in a game relocation project with the rangers of Wankie National Park, a game preserve where all kinds of wild animals make their home. Two animals are on their list: a zebra and a giraffe.
2. Giants of Dadanawa
Because of its inaccessibility to man and its climate, the So. American jungles encourage the growth of its animal life. Marlin and Stan Brock go on an expedition to capture the largest of their kind and to see just why these jungle giants grow to such proportions.
3. Strange Partnership
Throughout the wild kingdom there are many examples of animal cooperation, and one of the most remarkable takes place in a picturesque little valley in southern Utah home for families of badgers, bobcats, coyotes and golden eagles.
4. Tuskers Below
Marlin and Jim journey to Kruger National Park in the Republic of South Africa to join the rangers there in an exciting wild elephant capture.
5. Dive to Adventure
Marlin and Jim journey to the blue waters of the Bahamas to take part in a collecting expedition for the Miami Seaquarium. Almost the entire show takes place underwater as they search for some of the most dangerous animals of the deep.
6. Cheetah Country
Four fuzzy kittens tumble out of their den; they're baby cheetahs taking those first uncertain steps into a dangerous world. The rugged bush country of Rhodesia is an excellent training ground for life in the wild kingdom.
7. Roundup on the Rupunini
Marlin travels to Guyana to join Stan Brock in a cattle drive. Soon they are aware of a jaguar marauding the herd. There is only one thing to do if the drive is to continue ... catch the jaguar.
8. Cougar Mountain
High in the Rocky Mountains a puma and here three cubs end their first summer together. Soon snow falls and the animals begin their annual trek down to a lower valley.
9. Beneath Kilimanjaro
Beneath Kilimanjaro lies the Amboseli Game Reserve, last refuge for the remnants of the great cattle and wild animal herds that once roamed east Africa. Marlin and Jim seek a way for coexistence of the animals in the Amboseli.
10. Leopards of Sawai Madjopur
Rajastan India lies in an ancient, deserted castle. This is the story of a family of leopards who now occupy this castle.
11. Arctic Adventure
A trip to the top of the world above the Arctic Circle, north of Hudson Bay for a polar bear hunt and a walrus capture.
12. Spotted Lightning
A mother cheetah leads her playful cubs over the vast Rhodesian veldt teaching them the ways of defense and hunting.
13. Islands of the Sea
Marlin and Jim journey to remote Pacific islands to see three of the most fascinating of the pinnipeds, animals with finned feet, the California sea lion, Steller sea lion and the elephant seal.
14. The Day the Grizzly Disappears
Bears read signs! They read the signs signaling the beginning of winter and within twenty-four hours of first warning, all bears have disappeared into their caves. We spend this last day with a young grizzly as he prepares for his long nap.
15. In Search of a Porpoise
Marlin and his crew sail the waters of the California coast in search of the porpoise of the Pacific.
16. The Lost World of Angel Falls
Marlin and Stan fly into the remote interior of Venezuela to a jutting plateau whose sheer cliff echoes the perpetual thunder of Angel Falls. It is a region so remote that it has often been called the Lost World.
17. Exploring the Llanos
In South America there are fresh water porpoises living inland in the rivers and streams. During the dry season, as the rivers recede, these porpoises may perish as the water level drops. Marlin and Jim go on an expedition to rescue the trapped llanos porpoises.