Season 3 Plot
Season 3 of Mutual Of Omaha's Wild Kingdom
Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom Season 3 aired on October 18th, 1964.
Season 3 Episodes
1. Land of the Quaking Earth
In the southeastern coastal plain of the United States in Georgia, there exists one of the world's truly unique jungle swamps named by the Indians OKEEFENOKEE (land of floating islands).
2. Trailing the Midnight Sun
Winter is night, summer is day, and you need your wits to survive in the forbidding land north of the Arctic Circle. In this story you go by walrus skin boat, dogsled, airplane and helicopter. You hunt seal with Eskimos, find polar bear and beluga whale. You round up a large herd of reindeer and tag them for conservation officials. And you watch Jim Fowler discover a far-north version of a popular rodeo event: bulldogging moose from a helicopter.
3. Cattail Country
Marlin visits the Grand Teton Mountains in the U.S. and the wilderness north of Canada to show us the territorial fight, the rescue of a baby moose and to see the sandhill cranes.
4. The Philmont Trail
Marlin and Jim make a fascinating climb up the Philmont Trail with a troop of Explorer Scouts at the famous Boy Scout ranch near Cimarron in northern New Mexico.
5. Spotted Ghost - Part 1
In the Kalahari region of southern Africa, Marlin Perkins and Jim Fowler study the life and habits of the graceful and cunning leopard by establishing a camp near a hidden leopard den.
6. Spotted Ghost - Part 2
Marlin and Jim continue their investigation into the home life of the leopard.
7. Valley of the Eagles
A valley in the mountain country of the western United States is the territory of the Golden Eagle, America's largest and most powerful bird of prey. Marlin and Jim locate an eyrie (nest) of this magnificent bird, and build a blind high on a rocky cliff so they can photograph its nesting habits.
8. Miracle of Motion
Oddities of animal motion include mammals that fly, birds that climb with their shoulders, lizards that dive and snakes that travel sideways.
9. Sahara South
Join Marlin Perkins and Jim Fowler as they explore Africa's Sahara and see how its inhabitants, ranging from warthogs to lions, interact with their environment, both nature-made and man-made.
10. Monarchs of the Wild
In the wild kingdom each animal owns a territory...and one animal rules every habitat. A visit to each domain reveals why each is called a Monarch of the Wild.
11. Tusker Territory
Of all the behemoths that once roamed the earth, only the elephant is left for us to marvel about. And marvel we should for here's an animal that weights 10 tons, yet leaves an imprint only a half-inch deep when walking on soft sand...can eat 200 pounds of hay a day, drink 50 gallons of water at one go, grow to be 13 feet tall at the shoulder, yet can use its trunk so delicately it can pick a flower off the ground without crushing it. But many questions about this animal remain unanswered. By literally living with a family of elephants in Bechuanaland, Africa, we observe their fascinating life.
12. People that Time Forgot
Marlin journeys to the far side of the earth, as he visits the people that time forgot -- the aborigines of Australia.
13. Mastermind of the Sea
Marlin and Jim with experts from the Seaquarium in Miami set out to capture a porpoise and study its mysterious progress of learning -- the hop-skip around the world to see porpoises in far away places as Port Elizabeth, in South Africa; Coolangatta in Australia; and Whaler's Cove, in Hawaii.
14. Animals that Time Forgot
In remote corners of the wild kingdom remaining untouched by forces of change there also remain animals that span the bridge of time back into prehistoric eras... like the Komodo Dragons off the coast of Java; marsupials that are rare and birds that appear as if they just flew out of the still streaming marshlands of the Mesozoic era.
15. Winter Comes to Yellowstone
All roads are closed, but by helicopter and snow plane Marlin and Jim travel though the park to uncover a fascinating story of animal life in winter.
16. Strangest of All
A few of the many bizarre and strange animal behaviors that abound in the wild kingdom -- the strangest of all are revealed in this episode.
17. Against the Clock
Man loves speed and this episode answers some of the most pertinent inquiries as to what animals hold the records.