Miniseries Plot
John Trenchard is an orphan who dreams of finding Blackbeard's riches. But a friendship with a notorious smuggler soon forces him into hiding with a price on his head, wondering if he'll ever see Moonfleet again.
Moonfleet Miniseries aired on December 24th, 2013.
Miniseries Episodes
1. Episode 1
In Moonfleet, John Trenchard dreams of the infamous Blackbeard's treasure - and the wealth and happiness it will bring him. John's search draws him in to the company of local smugglers, led by the charismatic Elzevir Block.
2. Episode 2
Now outlaws Elzevir and John deduce that the diamond is hidden in a well at Carisbrook castle prison and bribe the turn-key to let them in, posing as workmen. They find the diamond but Elzevir is shocked by John's ruthlessness when he kills the turn-key, who has threatened to expose them. After attempting to sell the jewel they are captured and sentenced to be sent to the East Indies as slaves. Their ship runs into a violent storm off the coast of Moonfleet and they swim ashore - but the curse of Blackbeard's diamond may still prevent them from resuming normal lives.