Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Plot
U.C. 0096, three years after the end of the Second Neo Zeon War. The mysterious Vist Foundation attempts to hand over a certain secret to the Neo Zeon remnants known as the Sleeves. This will mean the opening of Laplace's Box, which holds a great secret tied to the origins of the Universal Century. The exchange is to take place at the manufacturing colony Industrial 7, home of the student Banagher Links. When Banagher rescues a girl who gives her name as Audrey Burne, he is drawn into the conflict surrounding Laplace's Box.
Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn aired on February 20th, 2010.
Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Episodes
1. Day of the Unicorn
A splinter group of rebels is trying to obtain the key to Laplace's Box. On her way to stop them, Audrey Burne meets 16-year-old Banagher Links.
2. The Second Coming of Char
Now piloting the Unicorn Gundam, Banagher defeats the Sleeves pilot Marida and her Kshatriya, but is picked up by a Londo Bell assault ship.
3. The Ghost of Laplace
The Federation Forces launch an assault on the Sleeves stronghold of Palau to recapture Banagher and the Unicorn Gundam.
4. At the Bottom of the Gravity Well
A Zeon remnant force launches an attack on the Earth Federation capital, but it's a feint. Marida is taken to a Federation facility in North America.
5. The Black Unicorn
Banagher is beaten by the black mobile suit Banshee and taken into custody. Meanwhile, Martha wants Mineva's help to make Banagher talk.
6. Two Worlds, Two Tomorrows
Full Frontal and the Sleeves allow the Nahel Argama to escape the EFSF, then take over the ship. Banagher and Mineva are faced with a decision.
7. Over the Rainbow
Banagher battles Riddhe, who wants to stop him and Mineva reaching Industrial 7's Magallanica, where Laplace's Box is hidden. Marida launches to help.