Prequel Plot
In 2176, the crew of the deep space transport S.T.C. Nicola Tesla must fly a mysterious passenger from the Uranus System to the Neptune moon Triton. The crew becomes aware of an imminent cosmic catastrophe that will force humanity to leave the solar system and is working on a rescue plan.
Mission Backup Earth Prequel aired on March 8th, 2013.
Prequel Episodes
1. Rendevous
Captain Horton and her Crew are ordered to pick up a mysterious Passenger. They rendezvous close to the Uranus System. At the same time the Brennagans are on duty on Triton.
2. Cryo Magma
Captain Horton and her Crew are departing from Uranus. Destination; the moon Triton. On Triton, Gordon Brennagan is examining the remains of a Cryovolcanic eruption. His Wife Jenna tries to discover proof for extraterrestrial Life in form of extremophile micro organisms.