Series 1 Plot
Five unruly teenagers forced into community service to atone for their crimes develop superhero powers when a freak electrical storm hits them.
Misfits Series 1 aired on November 12th, 2009.
Series 1 Episodes
1. Episode One
A group of misfits with nothing in common must perform community service, but get caught in a freak storm that gives them superpowers.
2. Episode Two
Nathan is desperate to move back home, and when the group makes a discovery, he soon realizes he might have found his opportunity.
3. Episode Three
Alisha is having fun using and abusing her powers but she can't seem to get the one man she really wants: Curtis.
4. Episode Four
Curtis regrets the night of his arrest and uses his new power to travel back in time to change history, but it's not as easy as he thought.
5. Episode Five
Determined to prove that the gang was involved in Tony's disappearance, Sally focuses her investigation on Simon.
6. Episode Six
The gang realizes that there's something weird going on in town and it looks like the mysterious, straightlaced "Virtue" organization is behind it.