Season 1 Episodes
1. What Tiggers Do Best
Tigger gets stuck up a tree trying to demonstrate that he's the best at bouncing.
2. Pooh and Tigger
Pooh and Tigger meet for the first time. Tigger is more pleased than Pooh is with this introduction.
3. Stuck at Rabbit's House
Pooh eats a bit too much while visiting Rabbit, and finds he can't quite leave.
4. The Rain Came Down
More rain occurs than the Hundred Acre Wood or its occupants can reasonably handle.
5. Owl's House
Owl underestimates the wind speed, to disastrous consequences.
6. Pooh's Game
Pooh and his friends play Pooh Sticks, but Eeyore interrupts their game, requiring a quick and dirty rescue operation.
7. The Most Wonderful Thing About Tiggers
Tigger informs the wildlife in the Hundred Acre Woods in regards to the positive aspects of Tiggers.
8. Eeyore's House
Tigger accidentally both destroys Eeyore's house, and the chances to fix said house. Later on, he surprises all of his friends by coming up with a real solution to Eeyore's problem.
9. Someone Like Tigger
Tigger becomes momentarily saddened by the lack of any other members of his species. He cheers up when he is reminded that he has very good friends.
10. Pooh's Balloon
Pooh attempts an unorthodox method to trick some bees, but is only slightly successful. Christopher Robin helps him get into and out of a sticky situation.
11. The Jagular
One brisk winter day, Pooh is following some unfamiliar tracks in the freshly fallen snow. Piglet soon joins him, and before long – Aha! – they notice a brand-new set of mysterious tracks where there had been just one before. What sort of creature could it be, fierce or friendly? Pooh is convinced it just might be a "Jagular!"
12. Unbouncing Tigger
Rabbit gets fed up with Tigger's bouncing, but doesn't have the willpower to see his cause through to completion.
13. Tigger Goes Ice Skating
Tigger decides that ice skating is what Tiggers do best, despite evidence to the contrary from Rabbit.
14. Piglet's Drawings
Piglet's fiends surprise him by drawing pictures of his past adventures with them, both true and exaggerated.
15. Piglet's Bath
A pleasant bubble bath convinces Piglet that Kanga is a very nice lady, and that they should be friends.
16. If I Wasn't So Small
Piglet sings a sad song about being small and useless, but by the end of it, realizes that he's not quite as useless as he imagines himself to be.
17. The Expedition
Christopher Robin leads all of his friends on an expedition to find the North Pole. Surprisingly, Pooh finds it by accident.
18. Pooh and Piglet Corner
Pooh and Piglet name a spot in the Hundred Acre Woods for themselves, and build Eeyore a house on it.
19. Lullabee
Pooh attempts to procure his lunch by inducing a soporific effect on a swarm of bees. While he is successful over the short term, his friends' attempt to help him has the opposite effect.
20. The Super Bounce
Tigger attempts to instruct Roo in the art of the The Whoop-de-Dooper Loop-de-Looper Alley-Ooper Bounce.
21. Pooh's Tummy
Pooh knows just what his tummy needs in this Mini Adventure of Winnie The Pooh.
22. Honey Song
Pooh Bear dreams of a world made of yummy honey -- what more could a bear desire?
23. The Backson
Owl tells Winnie the Pooh and friends of a terrible creature -- the Backson
24. The Bees
Piglet gets stuck in the middle of Pooh's plan to catch a sticky treat in this Mini Adventure of Winnie The Pooh.
25. Tiger and Eeyore
Eeyore goes through a major "tiggerization" in this Mini Adventure of Winnie The Pooh.
26. Stout and Round
Pooh sings a song about the importance of incorporating exercise and a good diet into a healthy lifestyle.
27. Climb a Tree
Pooh attempts unsuccessfully to climb a tree, while ruminating on what his eating habits are making him do.
28. Eeyore's Tail
Eeyore's tail has fallen off, but Christopher Robin can soon fix the problem. Pooh shows an unusual interest in a balloon.
29. Heffalumps and Woozles
Pooh has a terrible dream thanks to Tigger's inability to pronounce animal names correctly, or tell the truth about their eating habits.
30. Pooh and Gopher
Gopher interrupts Pooh's train of thought. He does not manage to recover it.