Season 2 Plot
Akira Minato, running his grandfather's laundromat, finds his relationship with Shintaro Katsuki facing unexpected challenges after three months of bliss. Meanwhile, Asuka and Hiiragi's budding romance takes a complicated turn. Brace yourself for the trials and tribulations that await these two pairs of lovers in this captivating sequel!
Minato's Laundromat Season 2 aired on July 6th, 2023.
Season 2 Episodes
1. Episode 1
Minato has always had trouble saying "I like you" to Katsuki, which is starting to really bother Katsuki.
2. Episode 2
Katsuki has to move in with Minato because of construction at his home, but not long afterwards the two of them receive a surprising piece of information.
3. Episode 3
Minato invites Katsuki to go to a summer festival together, but the two of them end up at odds because of a small action.
4. Episode 4
Minato brings Katsuki's cellphone to his university, but he's shocked when Katsuki asks him not to come again, leaving Minato concerned.