Season 2 Plot
The second season of the animated show Metalocalypse originally aired on Adult Swim from September 23, 2007 to September 7, 2008 with 19 episodes. The show follows virtual death metal band Dethklok. The majority of the music featured this season was released on the 2009 album Dethalbum II. The first episode of this season, "Dethecution" was released as part of the deluxe edition of The Dethalbum. This season featured the new re-recorded version of the "Deththeme", released as a hidden track on The Dethalbum.
Metalocalypse Season 2 aired on September 23rd, 2007.
Season 2 Episodes
1. Dethecution
Dethklok has withdrawn from the public eye, and fan suicide rates are climbing. The US government hatches a plan to bring the band out of hiding and restore world order.
2. Dethlessons
Toki Wartooth is fed up playing in the shadow of Skwisgaar's lead guitar. Under the tutelage of a crusty old guitar master, Toki learns that the heart, too, has strings.
3. Dethvengeance
The wounded, the scarred, and the disfigured unite. Meanwhile, an oblivious Dethklok spends their studio time recording onto the purest of all analog formats: water.
4. Dethdoubles
After a massive shootout at a Duncan Hills Coffeeshop opening, Dethklok invest in the ultimate protection - another Dethklok. But are these dopplegangers really all that they seem?
5. Dethfashion
Dethklok enters the fashion industry to promote their new clothing line, and in the the process experiences the brutality of negative body image, dieting, and bulimia.
6. Cleanzo
Dr. Roxo (The Rock 'n Roll Clown, He does Cocaine) is on the lamb and Toki decides to hide him at Mordhouse. The band decides to stage an intervention for Roxo.
7. Dethwedding
Pickles's brother is getting married and Dethklok are asked to appear at the wedding.
8. PR Pickles
Pickles gets a new PR lady who inflates his fame, prompting jealousy from his bandmates.
9. Dethcarraldo
The band travels to the Amazon and learns about the native brutality of Nathan's ancestors.
10. Dethgov
Nathan serves a term as the temporary governor of Florida.
11. Dethrace
When William Murderface creates an auto event, Nathan and Pickles try to be supportive while Swisgaar and Toki try to get their licenses.
12. Revengencers
Dethklok visits scarred and disfigured victims of recent bomb attacks.
13. Klokblocked
When Nathan learns his ex-girlfriend has found a new love, he decides to return to dating.
14. Dethsources
The band is fed up with Ofdenson knowing more than they do. They want their fifth of everything and decide to hire an efficiency expert to tighten up matters at Mordhaus and maximize their weekly allowance.
15. Dethdad
When Toki gets news that his dad is dying, he's forced to travel back to his home town in Norway. The rest of the band decides to make a vacation out of it, citing "album inspiration" as their excuse to further put off working on their delayed album.
16. Snakes N Barrels II (1)
When Pickles discovers through an episode of Where are They Now Now? that Snakes 'N' Barrels has reunited without him for the "SOBERTOWN USA No Drugs Allowed Sober Rock and Roll Show", he and the rest of Dethklok travel to Los Angeles to put an end to the atrocity. Part one.
17. Snakes N Barrels II (2)
When Pickles discovers through an episode of Where are They Now Now? that Snakes 'N' Barrels has reunited without him for the "SOBERTOWN USA No Drugs Allowed Sober Rock and Roll Show", he and the rest of Dethklok travel to Los Angeles to put an end to the atrocity. Part two.
18. Dethrecord
The world economy is crumbling and waiting for the next Dethklok album to stimulate it back into order. It’s up to Dethklok to get the album just right and finished on time.
19. Dethrelease (1)
Dethklok’s new album is released to the world. The Revengencers make their next move. Mordhouse is directly attacked by the Revengencers, during a concert after party. Part one.
20. Dethrelease (2)
Dethklok’s new album is released to the world. The Revengencers make their next move. Mordhouse is directly attacked by the Revengencers, during a concert after party. Part two.