Miniseries Plot
The story of how two friends, Ricardo Campoy and Miguel Degà, created a record empire in Barcelona in the eighties and how the wild rivalries in the Spanish dance music industry led them both to disaster.
Megamix brutal Miniseries aired on June 25th, 2024.
Miniseries Episodes
1. Episode 1
Barcelona, 1983. Ricardo Campoy, a twenty-something in love with dance music and discotheques, decides to create a record label, Max Music, together with his best friend, Miguel Degà.
2. Episode 2
Barcelona, 1990. Ricardo Campoy's relationship with his partner, Miguel Degà, is becoming more and more strained, but Max Music is still booming, profiting from massive phenomena.
3. Episode 3
Barcelona, 1998. A call warns Ricardo Campoy of a possible kidnapping. Later, J. M. Castells, mistaken for his boss, is assaulted and kidnapped by a group of hitmen.