
Megamaths Money

TV Show

Money Plot

The second series, which was produced in 1997 after the BBC's corporate change (as evidenced by the then-new BBC logo at the end of each episode), comprised five episodes focusing on money to particular amounts. Each episode opened with an auction where the royals bid each other up to that week's money amount, and this series also saw the arrival of a new Joker played by former Children's ITV host Gareth Jones (but while the original Joker possessed the ability to appear and disappear by snapping her fingers, he did not possess any magical powers). Brimstone and Digit also underwent a redesign in this series by new animators Tony Garth Films Ltd, and their appearance was significantly different to how they had originally appeared for the first series (as they looked more comical). This series and the next two were originally screened on Tuesdays as part of the newly renamed Schools Programmes strand at 11:15am.

Megamaths Money aired on January 13th, 1998.

Money Episodes

1. Money to 20p

January 13th, 1998

The King of Hearts spends all his different coins of 20p at the Ace Launderette while cleaning the Queen of Hearts' silk handkerchief.

All Seasons



Jan 12, 1999


Feb 24, 1998


Jan 13, 1998


Sep 16, 1996