Season 1 Plot
Matador is an American television series co-created by Roberto Orci, Andrew Orci, Dan Dworkin, and Jay Beattie. The series chronicles the rise of popular soccer star Antonio "Matador" Bravo, known for his exploits both on and off the field. Unbeknownst to the public and his family, he is also a skilled covert operative performing missions for a branch of the CIA.[1] The series premiered on July 15, 2014, on the newly launched channel El Rey.[2] Executive producers are showrunners Beattie and Dworkin, Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman, and Heather Kadin of K/O Paper Products, and Robert Rodriguez along with FactoryMade Ventures and El Rey Network co-founders John Fogelman and Cristina Patwa. Beattie and Dworkin wrote the first episode, which was directed by Rodriguez
Matador Season 1 aired on July 15th, 2014.
Season 1 Episodes
1. Quid Go Pro
Tony Bravo, a DEA agent from Boyle Heights, is recruited by a little-known branch of the CIA for a top-secret mission: investigate the LA Riot—one of the greatest soccer teams in the world—by going undercover as one of their players. Tony will need the espionage skills to impress his handlers and some fast footwork to make the team, or The Beautiful Game could end in sudden death. Is Tony in for the win?
2. The Naked and the Dead
The codes stolen from Gideon Khan’s tablet allow the team to track a hired assassin known as “The Apothecary” via Andrès Galan's satellite network. Tony must find a way to protect the target, while juggling his new teammates, his family, and most of all: the truth.
3. Idol Worship
After gaining new intel regarding Margot, Tony accompanies her to an auction where she’s set to go head-to-head with Galan in a bidding war, allowing him and Galan to reach a new level of understanding. Meanwhile, persistent reporter Reyna Flores is one step closer to unraveling the mystery that is Tony Bravo.
4. Code Red Card
A recurring dream from Tony’s past coincides with his debut on the LA Riot, which is quickly compromised when he needs to rescue Galan’s troublemaking daughter, Senna, from harm. As Tony races against time, both on the field and off, Annie and Noah realize something about Galan that could be a game changer.
5. Enter the Worm
Whisked away on Galan’s private jet, Tony, Holester, and Caesar touchdown in Nicaragua, a world run by a drug cartel leader known as “The Worm,” where the stakes are high and the death rate is higher. Aided by an old DEA friend, Tony finds himself in a brutal futsal game where the prize is more than just walking away with your life.
6. Misanthropology
Tony’s focus is shifted from soccer back to the mission when Galan entrusts him to deliver a package. But where Tony goes, Reyna follows. Elsewhere, the link between the auction and Nicaragua becomes clear when the CIA rescues an anthropology professor with insight into pre-Olmec civilizations.
7. Mano a Mano
Guess who’s coming to Cristina’s quinceañera? Andrés Galan, meet the Sandovals. The same can’t be said for Tony, who is forced to bail and put the mission over his family when a member of the team gets taken by Samuel. Not even a Riot tie can soften the fallout from this joyous occasion.
8. Everything Old Is New Again
The data seized from the mysterious medi-spa sends Tony and Annie on a manhunt to find the parties responsible for a devastating turn of events. While Galan becomes privy to the larger plan, Samuel dives deeper into Tony’s backstory, which leads him to the “wurst” kind of informant.
9. The Anguish of Rosarito
Is there anything worse than horrible in-flight service? Just ask the passengers who landed in San Francisco. Samuel’s uncovering of Tony’s past leaves Matador and Galan at odds. Meanwhile, the CIA learns of Dr. Lucien Sayer’s secret to extending life.
10. Night of the Whale
Tony and Galan reach common ground over a body in the trunk. Meanwhile, the CIA reach out to Sayer, hoping to thwart his plan.
11. Riot 'Til I Die
Galan delivers a personal package to Sayer and Tony must make a dangerous decision.
12. Dead Dreaming in Bagan
Tony ends up behind enemy lines and the locals must help uncover Sayer's plan. Meanwhile, Annie attempts to find Tony and Galan deals with the consequences of his confrontation with Reyna Flores.
13. Mala Sangre
As Sayer's endgame is finally revealed, Tony's relationships with the CIA and his family will change forever.