Season 1 Plot
Follows the careers of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis from their first performance together at the 500 Club in Atlantic City in 1946 through their years on "The Colgate Comedy Hour" to their final performance together in 1956.
Martin & Lewis: Their Golden Age of Comedy Season 1 aired on December 31st, 1991.
Season 1 Episodes
1. The Birth of the Team
Part 1 on Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis chronicles "The Birth of the Team" in 1946 at an Atlantic City nightclub with a set of unrehearsed skits. Included: clips from "The Colgate Comedy Hour" (1950-55).
2. The Kings of Comedy
Part 2. "The Kings of Comedy" highlights their careers from 1950 to '55. Included: clips from their TV series "The Colgate Comedy Hour" that feature Lewis as a butler, golf caddy and lifeguard, and Martin doing an impersonation of Cary Grant.
3. Jerry Alone at the Top
Part 3. Jerry Lewis recounts the 1956 breakup of Martin and Lewis and the development of his solo career. Included: clips from "The Jerry Lewis Show" and "Comic Relief" (1986). Also: Dean Martin's appearance on Lewis's Labor Day MDA telethon in 1976 (the team's first reunion since their breakup).