Series 1 Episodes
1. Inside The Studio With Barry Humphries
Barry Humphries adds his warmth and unique vision to the Magical Land of Oz series. As Australia's most celebrated satirist he manages to lend both majesty and humour to the story of his own beloved land and the animals.
2. Whale Sharks
Little is known about the mysterious ocean traveller, the whale shark. But the Magical Land of Oz crew join scientists working to change that.
3. Gould's Petrel
Some filming locations are more difficult than others. The home of Gould's Petrel - an island with no flat ground, raging winds and spikey undergrowth is definitely one of the most challenging natural history environments.
4. Pearson Island
Every now and then our crew gets lucky in the making of Magical Land of Oz - like getting the chance to join the Sea Shepherd crew on a trip to Pearson Island in the Great Australian Bight.
5. Brown Boobies
In the north west of Western Australia is an island covered in hundreds of pairs of boobies - brown boobies. Obviously, we thought we'd better pay them a visit...