Season 5 Episodes
1. The Mediterranean
It's time for the club's annual holiday, and much to Eddie's objection, the boys and their families head off to Majorca. As usual, little goes in his favour, and he's soon behind bars - through no fault of his own!
2. Bananas
Eddie intercepts a box of bananas intended for Bill, and unleashes the spider hidden within. Bill duly informs him that he seems to have been bitten, and has 3 days to live.
3. Teething Problems
Bill has bought Barbie a ticket to visit her mother back home in Barbados, but his plan to live like a bachelor for 2 weeks falls on its face when it's revealed that he will be staying with Joan and Eddie for the duration. That is, if the plane ticket can be found...
4. Cat's Away
Eddie and Bill are both somewhat enamoured by the new busty blonde assistant at the barbers. She uses their lust to her own advantage to get the stocktaking done on a Sunday morning - but with conflicting stories of their whereabouts, Barbie and Joan are searching for them.
5. Ghosts
Upon hearing of rumours that the establishment is haunted, Eddie takes up Bill's bet that he cannot spend a night alone at the club.
6. Eddie's Birthday
Eddie's birthday has arrived, but he's rather put out to find that Harold (Macmillan, naturally) hasn't sent him a card. Not until Bill turns up, that is.