Series 5 Plot
Series 5 follows the actions of Superintendent Ted Hastings, D.I. Kate Fleming and D.S. Steve Arnott as they investigate an Organised Crime Group with links to missing undercover officer D.S. John Corbett.
Line of Duty Series 5 aired on March 31st, 2019.
Series 5 Episodes
1. Episode 1
Following the deadly hijack of a police convoy, AC-12 target a ruthless organised crime group known to have links with corrupt officers.
2. Episode 2
Kate and Steve attempt to track down a lead. A fresh police leak enables another audacious raid, while Steve’s attempts to gather information put him in a dangerous situation.
3. Episode 3
Corbett's most daring plan yet requires McQueen to exploit links with corrupt police officers.
4. Episode 4
Tensions rise in the OCG following the events at Eastfield. With troubling questions hanging over the identity of ‘H', suspicions mount at AC-12.
5. Episode 5
As the hunt for 'H' intensifies, Steve and Kate wonder if Hastings is guarding a dark secret.
6. Episode 6
In a nail-biting 90-minute finale, Hastings's secrets are laid bare. Will 'H' be revealed at last?