Season 1 Episodes
1. Episode 01
Spiritual concludes that his family's misfortunes are the result of disobeying his grandfather's will. That's why he strives to bring old painting back home at all costs.
2. Episode 02
Twelve years after her ghostly death, Lily is still looking for the mysterious flower she saw in her painting. After one of his classmates says that he saw something similar in Khranagh, he starts his journey with his friend Mina and ... Pictures and details of more information "Lily's turn"; Genius in empiricism, maturity in directing Perhaps in the first place, such an approach may not seem appealing to an audience who only expects to see new series being entertained and expanded on theatrical platforms, but the point is that the ups and downs The script is based on a text that is the result of the efforts of a team of three writers, Mick ... Read more