Life in the Shadow of the Wall

Life in the Shadow of the Wall Season 1

TV Show

Season 1 Episodes

1. Part 1

August 22nd, 2017

President Trump's administration has promised that prototypes for a wall to be built all along the US-Mexico border will be delivered by the end of summer. But will a wall stop people smuggling and drug trafficking? Juan Paullier travels the entire length of the border to discover what life is like in the shadow of the wall. In Reynosa, he joins the Mexican security forces tasked with controlling the drug cartels that make Reynosa the most dangerous city on the frontier.

2. Part 2

August 24th, 2017

One of President Trump's campaign pledges was the construction of a wall along the US-Mexico border. But how would a wall stop drugs and people illegally entering the US? Juan Paullier travels the whole frontier to find out. In Nogales he meets one of the people smugglers who believes the wall will make it more expensive to get into the US. And in Tijuana, Chris is a tattooed ex-gang member trying to start a new life after he was deported from the US.