Kisah Tok Kadi

Kisah Tok Kadi Season 1: Episode Guide & Ratings

Season 1 Episodes

1. Magic Hour Wedding

February 1st, 2016

A couple insists to start the solemnization at 7 pm. Shahrul disagrees as the time is almost ‘maghrib’ (prayer session) and the couple moves the time to 6 pm. However, when Shahrul reaches the location, the couple comes up with a few excuses to delay the solemnization. How do they come to an amicable solution for the solemnization ceremony

2. No Blessing Wedding

February 8th, 2016

Marriage is a joyous occasion but not when there are no blessings from family. Apparently, the girl’s parents wants her to find another better suitor. Since it is too to cancel the wedding, the parents want it to proceed but want their daughter to get a divorce later. Will Shahrul be able to change the girl’s parents’ minds ?

3. Mascot Wedding

February 15th, 2016

The groom runs an event company and wants to make a grand entrance to his wedding. Just as they are about to enter the wedding hall, the groom puts on an astronaut headgear on Shahrul. Will our easy going Tok Kadi comply ? Find out how Shahrul gets himself out of this situation.

4. Pioneer Wedding

February 22nd, 2016

Shahrul gets a letter asking him to pullout from his next solemnization. It involves and elderly couple. The anonymous letter explains that the foreign bride to be is too young for the elderly groom. Will Shahrul agree to solemnize the couple ?

5. Shotgun Wedding

February 29th, 2016

A father lies about his right as a wali. He could not bring himself to tell his daughter that she is born out of wedlock. He continues to lie right up to the wedding day. However, on the wedding day, the bride’s sister gets into false labour on and the wedding is cancelled. Will the father finally tells the truth ?

6. Wedding By The Pool

March 7th, 2016

A couple has a nice garden setting by the pool. However, as Shahrul tries to conduct the solemnization, two tourists are in the background, making fun of the solemnization. The groom gets upset and tells the tourists off. One of them jumps into the pool and pretends to be drowning. Shahrul stops the solemnization and jumps into the water to save the tourist.

7. Episode 7

March 14th, 2016

Fatimah wants to remarry and she is anxious to get her daughter, Nina's approval. Nina is reluctant but agrees only on the condition that her mom allows her to plan the wedding. On that day, Nina sabotages the wedding to test Hisyam, her future stepfather. Will Hisyam loose his cool ?

8. Episode 8

March 21st, 2016

Maria wants Shahrul back in her life. In the meantime, Siti 's ex boyfriend is jealous of her close relationship with Shahrul. Shahrul is now torn between Siti, Mai and maybe even Maria. He asks advice from Cikgu Rahmah and she tells him to decide for himself. Who will be Shahrul's final choice.

All Seasons

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Season 2

Mar 1, 2018
Season 1

Season 1

Feb 1, 2016