Season 1 Episodes
1. Bobby Joe Long
Bobby Joe Long: Journey inside the mind of Bobby Joe Long, a serial killer who murdered ten women in seven months.
2. Gary Heidnik: House of Horrors
Enslaved, chained women in the basement. A freezer full of dismembered body parts. The scene that greeted Philadelphia authorities in 1987 cemented Gary Heidnik as one of the most sadistic figures of the 20th century.
3. Speed Freak Killers: Wesley Shermantine and Loren Herzog
Archival footage and reenactment portrays events of serial killer duo Loren Herzog and Wesley Shermantine. The "Speed Freak Killers" (for their methamphetamine abuse) were convicted of four murders, and suspected of as many as 72.
4. Timothy Krajcir
Timothy Krajcir's five-year killing spree didn't come to light until twenty years after the fact, when DNA evidence set off a domino effect ultimately linking the onetime EMT to murders of nine women between 1977 and 1982.
5. Ronald Dominique
Shunned by gay and straight communities alike in his native Louisiana, Ronald Dominique opted to create his own existence--one in which he raped and killed more than two dozen men over the course of a decade-long spree, securing his place among America's most prolific serial killers.
6. Sean Vincent Gillis
One of four serial killers tormenting Louisiana in the late 1990s through the early 2000s, Sean Vincent Gillis saw women as a collection of parts--and set about turning them into just that.
7. Israel Keyes
Israel Keyes stands to be remembered as one of the most elusive and far-reaching serial killers in history--but only if law enforcement can piece together the labyrinth of hints, left before his 2012 suicide, to identify countless victims he claims to have killed over the previous fifteen years.