Kids' Planet

Kids' Planet Season 02

TV Show

Season 02 Plot

A fun and engaging edutainment series for kids that reinforces morals and manners taught to children by parents, grandparents and teachers, at home and in school. From humility and forgiveness, to honesty and empathy, the show helps kids understand the importance of being courteous and developing good character to make wise choices in life.

Kids' Planet Season 02 aired on October 6th, 2018.

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Season 02 Episodes

1. Acceptance

October 6th, 201823 min

Let's learn the importance of acceptance. We will also learn that meditating could be helpful to understand acceptance and reach peace. In order to achieve this, we must respect and accept others.

2. Cooperation and Unity

October 6th, 201823 min

Let's learn the importance of working as a group, which is necessary in all areas of a community. Coordinating efforts to reach common objectives is valuable. We will learn that unity is necessary to do some activities.

3. Determination

October 13th, 201823 min

In this episode we will explore the world of learning and the importance of determination. We will understand how to persevere and keep moving forward. We will learn about self-motivation, to do things without the help of other people.

4. Life Purpose or Mission in life

October 13th, 201823 min

This episode invites us to learn the concept of Mission in life and the importance of finding it. Moreover, we will learn how to find that purpose through different examples of key words like “passion”. All of these within love and kindness.

5. Humor

October 20th, 201823 min

In this episode the main topic is humor and learning about what is funny. We will learn about the different ways to laugh, the diverse types of laughter, and the multiple physical benefits, quality life and its prolongation.

6. Feats of strength

October 20th, 201823 min

The main topic of this episode is Feats of strength, showing daily examples that can be comprehended easily. In this sense, elements like self-control, related to the strength of character, or perseverance, that represent all of them.

7. Learn how to let go of things

October 27th, 201823 min

In this episode we will explore the importance of letting go of things. We will understand that we should not get attached to material things because they can be replaced. We will learn the difference between wanting and needing something.

8. Theatre

October 27th, 201823 min

In this episode we will explore the magical world of the theatre. We will learn things like its history, its roots, the people that works in it to produce a play and the existing genres.

9. Mindfulness

November 3rd, 201823 min

In this episode we will explore mindfulness. We will learn how mindfulness is related to our emotions and our reasoning from a scientific and biological point of view. All these processes happen in our brains.

10. Consciousness

November 10th, 201823 min

In this episode we will explore "consciousness". We will talk about consciousness as that little inner voice that says to us what is right and what is wrong. This comes from our formation, knowledge and learning, our values and customs within our culture.

11. A Life of Service to others

November 10th, 201823 min

One of the most important values for humans is serving others. We will learn a couple of ways in which we can help. We can also take care of animals and nature. But in order to take care of all these, we must start by taking care of ourselves.

12. Independent Kids

November 10th, 201823 min

Children depend on their parents and adults who surround them, but there are situations where they need to have independence. Let's learn how to achieve independence. It isn’t synonymous with disobedience, but about wisdom and responsibility.

13. Confidence

November 17th, 201823 min

This episode reminds us to be humble. Humility has to do with high self-esteem. Using our "Planet List", we will check if its high or low and, if necessary, do something to improve our situation.

14. Boundaries

November 17th, 201822 min

This episode will teach us everything about boundaries. We will learn that these are created for an important reason as they maintain respect and order, which is the opposite of chaos. We will learn that we can all create our own boundaries.

15. Technology

November 24th, 201822 min

What is technology and what is it useful for? We will learn about some inventions that were created with an initial purpose and currently have another utility. We will see some examples of domestic technology that facilitates daily activities.

16. Creativity

November 24th, 201822 min

In this episode we will learn about creativity. We will see several examples of the areas where you can be creative. We will talk about being unique, so that it’s not necessary to copy others, but to have the confidence in ourselves.

17. Nobleness

December 1st, 201822 min

Let's learn about "Nobleness". We will define its concept and characteristics. We will learn the ancient Vikings' nine ethical codes: Courage, truth, honor, loyalty, discipline, industry, self-confidence, hospitality and perseverance.

18. Numbers & Letters

December 1st, 201822 min

In today's episode we will learn numbers. We will practice counting numbers from 1 to 20. We will visit the world of letters, learning what the alphabet is, and we will learn that with it we can put together words that allow us to communicate.

19. Pop Culture / Pop Art

December 8th, 201822 min

Today we will talk of everything that moves the masses: "Pop Culture". We will travel in time from the 50's until the present and we will see what people looked like, their hairstyles and clothes.

20. Classical Time Travel

December 8th, 201822 min

This time we will travel through time learning the legacies that have been left in different cultures. We will start our trip 2500 years ago in Ancient Greece. A definitely rich episode of culture with very valuable information that all must know.

21. Emotions

December 15th, 201822 min

In this episode we will explore our emotions. We will begin by defining what they are and understanding that they can change. Through specific situations, we will stimulate feelings, in order to understand that they are very diverse and complex.

22. Technology Manners Matter

December 15th, 201822 min

Let's talk about a tool that is very present in our daily life: "Technology". We will begin with its history with the first technological inventions in different parts of the world such as Greece with the Antikythera mechanism; Italy, in the Renaissance period with the Da Vinci helicopter; and China with the mechanical clock. Then we will talk about more recent inventions such as the telephone, computers, the internet and the reason why they are so important.

23. Literature

December 22nd, 201822 min

In this episode we will explore literature. We will talk about children's literature and key elements that comprise a literary piece. We will learn that a poem united with music becomes a song.

24. May we all be Maestros

December 22nd, 201822 min

This time we learn about Music, the universal language. We will begin our journey learning three of the great composers of classical music in history such as Mozart, Bach and Tchaikovsky.

25. Space Expedition

December 29th, 201822 min

This time we will make a fascinating trip through outer space and we will realize how small we are in front of such greatness. We will start exploring the solar system visiting each one of the nine planets that forms it.

26. Film History

December 29th, 201822 min

We say goodbye to the second season of Kids’ Planet with the Seventh Art, "Cinema." We will learn its history, from the invention of the kinetoscope, to cinematography, to the renowned Walt Disney, who was the creator of incredible and famous cartoons.

All Seasons

Season 02

Season 02

Oct 6, 2018
Season 1

Season 1

Jan 6, 2018