TV Show

Season 3 Episodes

1. Kabuki Costume Concepts

April 6th, 201628 min

Explore the dazzling world of kabuki costumes! An expert joins the studio to explain the intricate details of some of kabuki's most famous clothes. Join us for the first in a new season of KABUKI KOOL.

2. Discover Kabuki Based on Noh and Kyogen

May 4th, 201628 min

Explore three kabuki plays that are based on noh and kyogen originals. Nakamura Kazutaro guides us through the originals to see how and why kabuki changed, or kept, certain dramatic elements.

3. Seductive Women

June 1st, 201628 min

This time on "KABUKI KOOL" actor Nakamura Kazutaro guides us through two stories that hinge on a woman's seduction of the hero. Join us in an exploration of their very different motives!

4. Kuromisu Music in Kabuki

July 6th, 201628 min

This time on "KABUKI KOOL" explore the music which heightens on-stage action. Musician Kineya Mitaro and his group demonstrate the extraordinary skills that prompt laughter and tears from audiences.

5. The Beauty of Dance: Onnagata

September 7th, 201628 min

This time on KABUKI KOOL, explore the intricate beauty of onnagata dancing with acclaimed actor Nakamura Kazutaro.

6. Kamigata Kyogen Set in Merchant Families

October 5th, 201628 min

This time on KABUKI KOOL, explore the emotional drama of Kamigata plays with actor Nakamura Kazutaro. This style of kabuki developed in the Kansai region of Japan.

7. Sounds of Kabuki

November 9th, 201628 min

This time on KABUKI KOOL, discover the role of narimono, the kabuki flute and percussion ensemble. Background music, sound effects, and atmospheric tension, actor Nakamura Kazutaro explains the many sounds of kabuki.

8. Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura

December 7th, 201628 min

This time on KABUKI KOOL, explore a historic masterpiece of kabuki theater. Actor Nakamura Kazutaro explains the appeal of "Yoshitsune and the Thousand Cherry Trees."

9. Tachimawari Fight Scenes

February 1st, 201728 min

This time on KABUKI KOOL, explore the intricate tachimawari or fight scenes, of kabuki plays. Actor Nakamura Kazutaro is joined by a tateshi, or action choreographer.

10. Challenges of Modern Kabuki

March 1st, 201728 min

This time on KABUKI KOOL, we move away from the classics to look at two modern kabuki plays. Actor Nakamura Kazutaro explains the challenges of performing new works.

All Seasons

Season 8

Season 8

Apr 7, 2021
Season 7

Season 7

Apr 1, 2020
Season 6

Season 6

Apr 3, 2019
Season 5

Season 5

Apr 4, 2018
Season 4

Season 4

Apr 5, 2017
Season 3

Season 3

Apr 6, 2016
Season 2

Season 2

Apr 1, 2015
Season 1

Season 1

Apr 16, 2014


Jan 31, 2015