Joseph & Lindsey

Joseph & Lindsey Plot News 10 Disaster

TV Show"The most well-known couple in Plotagon City."

Plot News 10 Disaster Plot

On July 25, 2022, Joseph & Lindsey's 39th season premiered. Boris is let go from Plot News 10 after M. Russell, a rookie news anchor who often makes mistakes, took his position. In addition to being replaced, Boris was replaced by her, who had no aptitude for being a news anchor, which made him extremely enraged. The weatherman for plan News 10 or a reporter for Channel 6 Plot News were then available to Boris. He had committed to work for one of them, but he left after just waiting for M. Russell to be dismissed or resign. Later, according to Cornelius, one of the cameramen, M. Russell was sacked.

Joseph & Lindsey Plot News 10 Disaster aired on July 25th, 2022.

Plot News 10 Disaster Episodes

1. Boris Gets Fired

July 25th, 2022

Boris has gotten fired from his job as an anchor for Plot News 10, and he does not know why and he wants to find out.

2. Finding the Reason

July 26th, 2022

Since he was suddenly let go from his position as anchor of Plot News 10, Boris wants to learn the cause for his dismissal.

3. The Replacement

July 27th, 2022

Boris has learned that he has been replaced at Plot News 10 by a clumsy news anchor who consistently forgets her lines.

4. The Choice

July 28th, 2022

Boris must either train as a journalist for Plot News on Channel 6 or as a meteorologist for Plot News 10.

5. In Need of a Meteorologist (Or a Journalist)

July 29th, 2022

The crew believes Boris can apply for either Plot News 10 or Channel 6 Plot News, but it is his decision. Plot News 10 needs a meteorologist, while Channel 6 Plot News needs a journalist.

6. Becoming Both

July 30th, 2022

The group considers whether Boris may work as a journalist for Channel 6 Plot News as well as a weatherman for Plot News 10.

7. M. Russell's Raise

July 31st, 2022

Despite her mistakes, M. Russell receives a promotion, leaving the crew—including the two cameramen, Phil and Cornelius—confused and displeased.

8. Don't want this job anymore

August 1st, 2022

After agreeing to work as a weatherman for Plot News 10, Boris realizes it is not going well and he wants to leave his work just to wait for M. Russell to get fired from her job.

9. M. Russell Gets Fired

August 2nd, 2022

M. Russell is fired from Plot News 10 as a result of her subpar performance, which enables Boris to reclaim his position as an anchor. The team reacted to the news.

10. Boris Gets His Job Back

August 3rd, 2022

After M. Russell was let go, Boris was able to reclaim his position, making Joseph and the team pleased.

All Seasons

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The Lookalikes

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Isaias's Sister

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The Jealousy

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The Couple

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The New Year

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Dec 29, 2021
Alien Alienation

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Nov 3, 2021
Halloween Disaster

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Oct 21, 2021
Sibling Rivalry

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Time Travel

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The Reconciliation

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