Joseph & Lindsey

Joseph & Lindsey Redman and Redwoman

TV Show"The most well-known couple in Plotagon City."

Redman and Redwoman Plot

Redman and Redwoman, two red-skinned individuals who seem to be dating, arrive in Plotagon City, and most people are puzzled as to why their skin is red. The story about them was unknown until Redman revealed the story about how an experimental accident caused their skin to become red and how they earned their nicknames. One day, Redman ran across their rival, Blueman, and they immediately began fighting just as soon as they saw each other. After that, Redman had decided to befriend Blueman because he had been venting his frustrations on him. They have now reconciled and become friends.

Joseph & Lindsey Redman and Redwoman aired on June 1st, 2022.

Redman and Redwoman Episodes

1. The Redman

June 2nd, 2022

When Redman, a man with red skin, arrives in town and introduces himself, the locals are perplexed as to why his skin is red.

2. The Redwoman

June 3rd, 2022

Redwoman, Redman's girlfriend, arrives in Plotagon City to visit her boyfriend before introducing herself.

3. How Redman and Redwoman Got Their Names

June 4th, 2022

Redman explains how he and his girlfriend, Redwoman, came up with their respective identities.

4. Jeremy's Birthday

June 5th, 2022

Today is Jeremy's birthday, and Joseph and Cameron have planned a buffet at Green Curry Plotagon to celebrate.

5. The Hair Growth

June 6th, 2022

Redman and Redwoman have finally grown some hair after nearly 10 months without it.

6. The Rival

June 7th, 2022

Redman runs into Blueman, his long-time rival, and has a battle with him.

7. Blueman's Girlfriend

June 8th, 2022

Blueman meets his girlfriend who, hence her skin, has the name Bluewoman, which is ironic since Redman has a girlfriend named Redwoman.

8. Settle Our Differences (1)

June 9th, 2022

Redman believes it is past time for him and Blueman to reconcile.

9. Settle Our Differences (2)

June 10th, 2022

Blueman makes a choice regarding how to settle their disputes with Redman.

10. The Impatient Karen

June 11th, 2022

Karen arrives in town and dislikes waiting, earning her the label "Impatient Karen," despite the fact that she does not have to wait for extended periods of time.

11. Going Back Home

June 12th, 2022

Redwoman has to return to Plotington due to family concerns, and she wants to spend a little time with her boyfriend Redman before she leaves.

All Seasons

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The Serial Killer

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Car Collisons

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The New Year 2023

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Dec 28, 2022
Tabitha's Family

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Dec 5, 2022
6 Thieves

6 Thieves

Nov 3, 2022
Adopted Triplets

Adopted Triplets

Sep 16, 2022


Sep 5, 2022
The Missing Child

The Missing Child

Aug 26, 2022
Gender-bent Joseph

Gender-bent Joseph

Aug 17, 2022
The Lookalikes

The Lookalikes

Aug 4, 2022
Isaias's Sister

Isaias's Sister

Jul 2, 2022
The Zombies

The Zombies

Jun 22, 2022
Beryl Returns

Beryl Returns

Jun 13, 2022
The Origin of DaDa

The Origin of DaDa

May 21, 2022
The Three Kids

The Three Kids

May 11, 2022
The Chickens

The Chickens

Apr 8, 2022
Love Betrayal

Love Betrayal

Mar 29, 2022
Love Confession

Love Confession

Mar 17, 2022
The Jealousy

The Jealousy

Feb 24, 2022
The Couple

The Couple

Feb 3, 2022
More Alien Beings

More Alien Beings

Jan 22, 2022
The New Year

The New Year

Dec 29, 2021
Alien Alienation

Alien Alienation

Nov 13, 2021


Nov 3, 2021
Halloween Disaster

Halloween Disaster

Oct 21, 2021
Sibling Rivalry

Sibling Rivalry

Oct 11, 2021
Time Travel

Time Travel

Sep 28, 2021
The Reconciliation

The Reconciliation

Sep 19, 2021


Mar 28, 2021
J&L Season 6

J&L Season 6

Feb 21, 2021
J&L Season 5

J&L Season 5

Feb 12, 2021
J&L Season 4

J&L Season 4

Jan 28, 2021
J&L Season 3

J&L Season 3

Jan 17, 2021


Apr 23, 2020
J&L Season 1

J&L Season 1

Mar 24, 2020


Mar 23, 2020