Double Girlfriends Plot
Claude has finally chosen to accept Carmen's date request while maintaining his relationship with his longtime lover Miranda. Others believe that Claude dating Miranda and Carmen is a bad idea, but because Claude was able to talk things out with Carmen and Miranda, they are now friends. Joseph, Lindsey, and the crew approve of the polyamorous relationship and think Claude is lucky, however William is even more envious and disapproves of the relationship because he has liked both Carmen and Miranda despite their rejection of him.
Joseph & Lindsey Double Girlfriends aired on March 5th, 2022.
Double Girlfriends Episodes
1. The Polyamory Begins
Claude has decided to have two girlfriends, thus he will accept Carmen's date request while maintaining his relationship with Miranda.
2. Claude the Lucky Man
Most people consider Claude is lucky since he now has two girlfriends, and he has later admitted that he is lucky himself.
3. You're jealous again.. Great.
William has confided to Joseph and Richard that he is jealous of Claude since he is dating Carmen and Miranda, the two girls he loved.
4. The Plan
William develops a scheme to get Claude to split up with Carmen and Miranda by alerting him of false information about them, but Claude is unconvinced.
5. Who is the Better Girlfriend?
As Miranda has requested, Claude must pick between Carmen and Miranda as the better girlfriend.
6. Can't Fool Us
William tries to convince Carmen and Miranda that Kristen is his girlfriend, but Miranda recognizes her as William's sister.
7. Be my girlfriend by force
After failing to get Carmen to become his girlfriend, William attempts unsuccessfully to persuade Miranda to become his girlfriend.
8. Claude Beats Up William Again
Claude beats up William after he refused to listen to Claude's request that he not talk to or approach Carmen or Miranda.
9. Begging won't work
William urges Miranda to break up with Claude so that he can have her as his girlfriend, but it doesn't work out.
10. William doesn't listen
According to Joseph and some others, telling William to quit flirting with Miranda won't work because he doesn't listen.
11. Ignoring William
Miranda is advised by Joseph to ignore William so she won't have to deal with him, and when William discovers, he becomes enraged.
12. Giving Up
William ultimately admits that he can't convince Miranda or Carmen to be his girlfriends and decides to give up.