Season 1 Plot
Fourteen year old breakdancer and mischievous delinquent, Jonah Takalua, returns from Tonga to start a new life at Holy Cross High School. Dominating the playground with his gang Fobba-licious, amusing himself with endless filfthy jokes and a schoolyard rivalry with the Rangas, Jonah challenges the school system, getting himself into more trouble than ever before.
Jonah From Tonga Season 1 aired on May 7th, 2014.
Season 1 Episodes
1. Episode 1
Banished to Tonga to live with his uncle, 14-year-old Jonah is causing more trouble than ever. His dad takes him back to Sydney to start a new life but he quickly forms a new school gang and it's not long till trouble starts.
2. Episode 2
Jonah and the Fobba-liscious boys are forced to meet with youth worker Kool Kris after making bully videos. But when Jonah's brother is picked on he gathers Year 7 rangas and attempts to make the ultimate bully video.
3. Episode 3
While grounded Jonah and the 'Fobba-liscious' boys escape and go bowling. Their counselling session with Kool Kris leads to the boys taking part in the 'Feel Da Beat' song competition.
4. Episode 4
After a crazy day at school, Jonah and the boys embark on their biggest, most dangerous mission yet, but their plans backfire in a massive way.
5. Episode 5
Jonah's harsh new surrounds bring new opponents and some unexpected allies. But the pressure is mounting on family, fame and friendship.
6. Episode 6
Jonah entertains his mates with all his stories of life in juvenile detention, but will Jonah still find himself behind bars with other bad boys or will he prove he can be a real man?