Specials Episodes
1. Episode 1
Joko and Klaas give their 15 minutes to people with more to say: Pia Klemp, captain of the "Iuventa", Dieter Puhl, a person helping homeless people, and Brigit Lohmeyer, an activist against right-wing extremists.
2. Episode 2
Joko & Klaas have to host an entire episode of Taff
3. Episode 3
Joko & Klaas are giving away 10.000€ for the first person coming to certain spots in the cities Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and Cologne.
4. Episode 4
As punishment, Joko & Klaas have to compose, write and record a new hymn for the channel.
5. Episode 5
A teleshopping show for the "Entkräfter" ("weakener"), a small device that plays arguments against the right-wing lies spread by the AfD at the press of a button. The Entkräfter could be purchased for 10€.
6. Episode 6
For 15 minutes, Joko & Klaas filmed a television which showed the RTL special to the loosening of Corona rules airing at the same time. Joko & Klaas commented.
7. Men's World
Sophie Passmann takes the viewers through a exhibition to highlight sexualised harrassment against women.
8. Episode 8
In "The Corona-Call-In-Show", viewers had the chance to call a 0800-number. If they were successful in uncovering the conspiracy theories spread about Corona, they had the chance to win 100-300€.
9. Episode 9
An Afghan refugee talks about the horrors of the previously burned down refugee camp Moria on the island Lesbos.
10. Episode 10
Joko & Klaas attached a camera to a pig's back and let it run wild through a museum, to make fun of what the channel RTL was broadcasting at the time.
11. Episode 11
Joko & Klaas expanded their 15 minutes to around seven hours to show the every-day work of a nurse working. The shows the channel was supposed to show were canceled or moved to next week.
12. Episode 12
Joko has used their 15 minutes of screen time to surprise Klaas with a taller than life statue on Berlin Hauptbahnhof. He wants to thank Klaas for their time together so far, with the hashtag #DankeKlaas. Joko also invited the mayor of Klaas' hometown and his old Jiu-Jitsu coach, and a whole orchestra.
13. Episode 13
Joko & Klaas swallow a pill-sized camera and show the live feed. They swallow snacks, dice, the head of a Lego figurine, among other things. Initially, they wanted to focus on the importancy of check-ups, but "took a wrong turn somewhere".
14. Episode 14
"Wir müssen über Corona reden" Joko & Klaas have given their screen time to three people: Luisa, talking about her fight with Corona and the challenges of living with long-COVID. Daniel Zickler is senior doctor at Charité and is talking about severe Covid cases and asks the viewers to social distance and to get vaccinated. Finally, the Bundeskanzler to-be Olaf Scholz is asking the viewers to get vaccined.
15. Episode 15
As their punishment, Joko & Klaas have to host a call-in show and try to find answers to the viewers problems.
16. Episode 16
For their punishment, Joko & Klaas have to re-record their own version of the famous "Dinner for One" sketch.
17. Episode 17
Joko & Klaas give their 15 minutes of screen time to the Ukrainian band Selo i Ludy, who play songs and talk about their situation currently living in a bunker in the Ukraine.
18. Episode 18
Joko & Klaas try going back to their roots; initially, they wanted to use their 15 minutes to really screw with ProSieben. So, trying to get the viewer count as low as possible, for fifteen minutes, they do... Nothing.
19. Episode 19
20. Episode 20
21. Episode 21
Joko and Klaas give their 15 minutes to two women fighting for their rights in Iran. 15 minutes of attention, and their personal Instagram accounts. Forever.
22. Episode 22
Joko & Klaas want to watch the emergency broadcast ProSieben sends when the tv signal is actually cut off - so they unplug everything.
23. Episode 23
Joko & Klaas have to re-watch their own show and comment on it.
24. Episode 24
Klaas sends Jokos personal items to space, so the extraterrestrials can get an idea of what to expect from humanity.