Season 1 Plot
With a new perspective on the beloved and enigmatic John F. Kennedy’s private life, his relationship with his wife, his close connection to his brother, Robert, and his bond with his father, “JFK” also reevaluates his strengths and weaknesses in the Oval Office as he navigated some of the most explosive events of the mid-20th century.
JFK: American Experience Season 1 aired on November 11th, 2013.
Season 1 Episodes
1. Part One
Part One follows JFK's rise to power. Jack Kennedy first bursts onto the national stage as a war hero, and with his congressional win, Kennedy rises in power and influence.
2. Part Two
JFK's campaign for president is the first to be waged on television, a distinct advantage for the telegenic candidate.
3. Part Three
Follow Kennedy into the White House, and get a fresh assessment of the successes and failures of his tenure.
4. Part Four
The assassination of President Kennedy and the unfulfilled promise of his presidency.