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Jeopardy Season 1: Episode Guide & Ratings

Season 1 Episodes

1. Pilot

April 26th, 200225 min

A search and rescue team are in the Australian outback searching an abandon camp site, when they find a video cartridge and put into a video recorder. And shows us... Eight Scottish kids, Harry, Lucy, Simon, Chrissie, David, Sarah, Leon and Shona and their teacher, Gerry. Are part of a UFO club at their school in Falkirk. They are given a video diary before they leave on a trip to Australia to study a reported UFO sighting. When they arrive at Australia they meet the head ranger, Arnie and the park ranger who is going with them, Melissa. Melissa takes Arnie to one side and tells him that they have been having radio problems in the area they are camping at and she doesn't know the area that well. Chrissie gets jealous of Shona and sabotages the medical supplies. That night,after they set up. Sarah hears a noise outside, so she goes of to investigate and finds her self face to face with bright flashing lights. The camera stops (end of episode)

2. Episode 2

May 3rd, 200225 min

Sarah bursts into the tent and tells the others that she has seen a UFO. The others don't believe her, so she says she'll show them the recording she filmed. When she rewinds the video she discovers that she has accidentally taped over it. The next day they are split up into groups. Lucy and Sarah go and dig some toilet holes for the campers. Melissa, Leon and David go and try to find some water. They find a river and they notice an abandon canoe, which they find some backpacks and a newspaper dating ten years back,open to an article on a UFO sighting in the area. Meanwhile Simon and Chrissie go and set up the monitoring equipment. On their way back they notice a mound a believe it is an aboriginal tombstone. Back at the camp Gerry tells Shona and Harry what got him interested in UFOs. When the others come back Simon and Chrissie tells them about the tomb stone. The others want to see it. When they arrive Melissa tells them it only a magnetic termite mound. Later Simon leaves his boats

3. Episode 3

May 10th, 200225 min

Melissa tells the group that they have three choices. 1.) Melissa goes back to the jeep and get the medical supplies and bring them back. 2.) They all carry Leon back to the jeep and treat him there 3.) They keep using the radio in hopes of getting contact and get Leon air lifted out. David tells the others that there is an option four, which is that they use a natural remedy, which the aboriginals used. Melissa decides that it would be best for her to go back to the jeeps alone. David and Harry go off to find leeches to suck out the poison out of Leon's blood. Meanwhile Gerry questions his role as a leader, Simon over hears Gerry and gets the others in for a meeting. Simon suggests that they elect someone to be the new leader. David and Harry find the leeches and head back to the camp sight, but end up getting lost, because their compass stop working. When they hear a rustling in the bushes and run and end back at the camp. Melissa arrives at the jeeps and discovers that

4. Episode 4

May 17th, 200225 min

Melissa comes round and discovers the jeep is hanging over the edge of a cliff. Melissa manages to get out; while trying to get the radio the jeep ends up falling over. Melissa decides to head back to the camp. Meanwhile Gerry, David, Harry and Chrissie go off to set up the monitoring equipment. Back at the camp Sarah and Simon talk about there lucky items. David is upset to discovers that Harry has stopped taking his medicine for his epilepsy. That night Melissa sets off one of the flares. The rest of the group see the flares but think it is alien, which causes Chrissie to freak out. The next day Melissa is walking back when she believes that she is being followed and freaks out and breaks out into a run screaming, into the video camera that they where right, that they are being watched. Back at the camp Leon breaks out into fits saying Melissa is in danger, and that Gerry, David and Sarah know what the danger is. Melissa falls over and looks up and screams, and there is a blinding

5. Episode 5

May 24th, 200225 min

Gerry begins to worry when Melissa doesn't return, so he decides they need to carry Leon back themselves. Meanwhile Simon and Lucy go off to check the monitoring equipment, when Lucy falls in a hole, which Simon says might be an animal trap. When they get to they find one tree burnt. David and Harry go fishing and return to discover that Chrissie had left the lid of the food and that ants infested the food, and bit Chrissie. After Shona treats Chrissie. Chrissie breaks down and tells them that she took some of the medicine out of the medical kit, as a joke. Gerry tells the others that they need to carry Leon back, nd the others agree. However the girls are upset to learn that they'll be left behind. While walking Leon gets up and says he is fine. A little while later he collapses and the guys put him back on to the stretcher. Simon, who is reading the map, gets the group lost. Which causes Gerry and the others to get upset, because the jeeps are one and a half miles away (the other sid

6. Episode 6

May 31st, 200225 min

David and Simon go down to the gully to try and find Gerry, but all they find is Gerry's backpack and signs off some one being dragged. Back at the camp the girls get into an argument and Chrissie runs off. Sarah and Lucy go and look for Chrissie. Chrissie spots a plane and starts screaming and trying to wave it down. Sarah and Lucy find Chrissie and think she might be going crazy. Back at the gully Harry begins to get sick of waiting and decides to carry Leon to the jeeps himself. Harry finds the medical supplies scattered every where and the anti-venom in a ring of rocks. David and Simon arrive at the jeep and decide that Gerry might have gone back to the camp and decide to head back. They find Harry and Leon, being instructed by Shona, over the radio, David gives Leon the anti-venom. The boys get the jeep bogged and decide to walk, Leon says he feels much better and walks as well. David mistake's a Kola's mating call for Gerry. Leon needs to lie down so they decide to spend the

7. Episode 7

June 7th, 200225 min

The boys head back to the camp when they almost get hit by a branch that fell out off a tree. They discover that the brake was a clean cut, David says it's alien activity. Back at the camp the girls find the monitoring equipment burnt. Sarah, Lucy and Shona hear a scream and find Chrissie who can see the words 'JEOPARDY BEWARE' written on the trunk of a tree, the others can't see it. Chrissie insist that its there and to prove it she asks the tree if the boys are OK, the tree writes 'N' causing Chrissie to freak out. The others think she might be suffering from sunstroke. The boys arrive back at the camp. Simon decides to use Chrissie as a means to get away. Simon apologizes to David and suggest they go fishing. They decide to take the canoe in case they find Gerry or Melissa. Leon gets suspicious when he sees Simon and Chrissie whispering but decides to ignore it. Simon, David and Chrissie are in the canoe when Simon and Chrissie push David out a row away. Simon suddenly goes off

8. Episode 8

June 14th, 200225 min

Simon manages to get out of the river and follows Gerry and Melissa. Chrissie also manages to get out but loses Simon. Chrissie finds that food has been falling out of Simon's backpack and follows the trail. Meanwhile the others get into an argument over Simon and Chrissie, to see if they should find them. Shona decides to go get some food and discovers that Simon and Chrissie took some of the food with them. They decide to start a fire and use it as a signal, they also write S.O.S on the ridge with large rocks. the group decide to find Simon and Chrissie David and Sarah go one way and Harry and Lucy go the other, Shona and Leon stay back at the camp. David and Sarah discover strange chalk markings, that they didn't put, on the trees. Harry and Lucy hear a noise in the bush and freak out and run. Shona decides to get supper ready for the others when she and Leon hear something move in the bushes. Harry and Lucy find a patch of land burnt in a circle. Harry begins to have a seizure.

9. Episode 9

June 21st, 200225 min

Harry recovers and tells Lucy that he suffers from epilepsy and left his medicine back in Scotland, so he can be stronger like the other guys. Dingos invade the camp and Shona and Leon take refuge in a tree. The dingos start acting weirdly when Shona cuts her leg and it bleeds. Shona and Leon blow their whistles and scares the dingos away. The whistles also help David and Sarah find their way back to the camp. Chrissie gets fed up following Simon so she 'talks' to Gerry and Melissa and tells them they're going in the wrong directions and don't need their help and she and Simon head back. Harry and Lucy find chalk arrows on the ground and follow them back to the camp. Chrissie and Simon get back in the canoe and sleep, Chrissie realizes she got what she always wanted, time alone with Simon, only not in the circumstances they're in. David, who is to excited to sleep, goes for a walk and comes face to face with the same lights Sarah saw and says he is ready. Tape stops (end episode)

10. Episode 10

June 28th, 200225 min

Sarah stops David from doing something stupid. Which causes him to go off at Sarah. The next day Chrissie wakes up to find her self alone in the canoe. She goes a shore and finds Simon who tells her the canoe has sprung a leak and they have to go back to the camp because it's to far to keep going to the head quarters. Sarah wakes up to discover some of the trees have been burnt. Everyone, except Shona, believes it's from a UFO. They decide to look for Simon and Chrissie. Shona stays back to keep the fire going. Shona finds a capsule and decide to keep it a secret until she works out what it is. When she hears a plane over head, she tries to radio the plane and discovers that the fire has gone out. The others return, after seeing the plane, and are upset Shona let the fire out. They decide to leave and leave a note for Chrissie and Simon. When they leave the note is blown away by the wind. Chrissie follows some chalk markings back to the camp. Where they hear Gerry on the radio telling

11. Episode 11

July 5th, 200225 min

Simon and Chrissie decide to stay one more night at the camp sight before they leave. Meanwhile the others get lost and David and Leon continue to fight and argue. Shona shows Sarah the capsule. they discover a bit of torn shirt and realize that it's from Melissa's shirt. They also find her video tape and watch it. Chrissie finds some tire marks in the middle of the camp site and she and Simon follow them. Simon begins to hallucinate again and begins to see three Chrissie's. Simon wonders off, thinking he is following Chrissie and ends up at a cave here he finds Melissa tied up. Simon, thinking he is still hallucinating, doesn't think she is there so he leaves. Chrissie manages to contact the others but an argument with the others causes her to turn the radio off. Chrissie and Simon find a hut and tell the others how to get their. Simon starts to get thirsty and heads toward the hut. Chrissie follows and in the hut they find Gerry, all tied up. Chrissie begins to untie Gerry when the

12. Episode 12

July 12th, 200225 min

The man, Joe, takes of his bike helmet and asks them to take them to their leader, which causes Simon to faint. Joe goes over to Simon and pulls a couple of ticks of Simon. Joe then turns the radio off and and locks them into the hut and leaves, on a trail bike. Shona finally tells the others about the capsule she found. David hears the trail bike and thinks that it's a UFO. So he and Lucy follow Joe to a cave and watch him take food in and come out empty handed, they then follow him back to the camp site and dig around. Lucy goes and gets the trail bike as David distracts Joe. Meanwhile the others free the others from the hut. They radio into Arnie and tell him they're at the hut and they need the police. Meanwhile the others set up a trap for Joe; only to capture David and Lucy when they return, with Joe tied up. That night David and the guys talk about the strange things and decide that Joe would of caused the lights and burning. David says he doesn't agree because of all the othe

13. Episode 13

July 19th, 200225 min

When asked how he knew about the diamonds Arnie says when they said they caught a man called Joe he put two and two together. Sarah points out that she never said anybodies name. It then comes out that Arnie is Joe's brother and is in on the bank robbery all along. Arnie and Joe escape and lock the group in the hut. While this is happening Melissa and Simon sabotages Arnie's jeep and take the capsule. Melissa and Simon rescue the others when they see Arnie's jeep explode. Melissa and Gerry go the wreckage site and find nobody is there. They return to the others and discover Simon has taken the trail bike and gone after the others. Melissa and Gerry take a jeep and go after Simon, who is caught by Arnie and Joe and the trail bike taken from him. the others catch Arnie and Joe. Joe disappears but Arnie claims his leg is broken. Melissa agrees to stay while the others get rescued. On the way to the ridge David and Harry stop to rest. When Joe comes back and demands the diamonds. Chrissie

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Apr 26, 2002