Season 7 Plot
The seventh season of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, premiered on FX on September 15, 2011. The season contained 13 episodes, and concluded airing on December 15, 2011. The episode "How Mac Got Fat" includes scenes produced during season 6 that featured Mac, before he got fat.
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 7 aired on September 15th, 2011.
Season 7 Episodes
1. Frank's Pretty Woman
With Frank intent on marrying a prostitute, The Gang tries to make the best of it by attempting an image makeover to uncover the heart of gold that exists deep inside Frank’s “pretty woman.”
2. The Gang Goes to the Jersey Shore
Dee and Dennis take the gang to their favorite childhood vacation spot where things aren't quite how they remember. While Dee and Dennis see the seedy side of the Jersey Shore, Mac, Frank and Charlie have the nights of their lives.
3. Frank Reynolds' Little Beauties
Frank finds himself in the child beauty-pageant business and fears that people might think that he's in it for the wrong reasons. Meanwhile, Dee wages war on stage moms, and Mac, Dennis and Charlie think they have found a contestant to back.
4. Sweet Dee Gets Audited
Dee faces an IRS audit over her claim that the baby she carried as a surrogate is her dependent, while the guys decide to run the bar in an unemotional, democratic manner rather than their typical method of shouting and personal attacks.
5. Frank's Brother
When Frank's long lost brother Gino shows up at the bar, the two of them tell the gang about the jazz club they ran in the 1960s and 70s, and how they fell out over Shadynasty, a singer who was the love of both of their lives.
6. The Storm of the Century
As a hurricane threatens Philadelphia, Mac, Dennis and Charlie go to a mall to buy supplies and check out the large breasted TV reporter broadcasting from there, while Frank and Dee prepare Paddy's, and its basement bunker, for the storm.
7. Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games
The gang plays the most twisted board game ever. Dee and Dennis face Mac, Charlie and Frank.
8. The ANTI-Social Network
The gang uses the Internet to cyber-stalk their prey. Frank tries to drum up business for Paddy's with a viral video.
9. The Gang Gets Trapped
The Gang's plan to "extract" an "artifact" from a residence is jeopardized when the owners turn out to be home. Having not been noticed on the way in, they must make a plan to get the same result for the way out.
10. How Mac Got Fat
Step inside the confession booth with Mac as he tells a befuddled priest why his fatness is the fault of the other members of The Gang.
11. Thunder Gun Express
Traffic problems as a result of the President's visit to Philadelphia makes it difficult for the gang to see the summer's biggest film, "Thunder Gun Express".
12. The High School Reunion (1)
The gang have much to prove when they attend their high-school reunion. They meet old friends and make new foes as they stroll down memory lane.
13. The High School Reunion (2): The Gang's Revenge
The gang come up with a new plan to buff their tarnished high-school reputations at their reunion.