Season 6 Plot
The sixth season of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, premiered on FX on September 16, 2010. The season contains 14 episodes and concluded airing on December 9, 2010 with the hour-long Christmas special. An additional episode called "The Gang Gets Successful" was produced for this season, but was not aired, despite scenes from the episode being included in promotional material for season 6. It was later re-edited with new scenes to create the Season 7 episode "How Mac Got Fat".
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 6 aired on September 16th, 2010.
Season 6 Episodes
1. Mac Fights Gay Marriage
Mac defends traditional marriage, while the rest of the gang reaps the rewards of wedded bliss.
2. Dennis Gets Divorced
Marital bliss turns into business, as the gang experiences the emotional and economic hardships of divorce.
3. The Gang Buys a Boat
The gang attempts to find adventure on the sea after they purchase their 'new' boat.
4. Mac's Big Break
Mac finally gets his big break after correctly answering a trivia question on the radio. While Frank, Dennis, and Dee take their bar-banter to the internet with their own podcast.
5. Mac and Charlie: White Trash
Rejected from a pool club, Mac and Charlie set out fix an abandoned pool to help cope with the Philly heat wave. Meanwhile, Dennis and Dee go about dealing with the heat in a different way.
6. Mac's Mom Burns Her House Down
Mac's mother is left homeless after she burns down her house, which leaves Charlie and Mac with no choice but to make new living arrangements; when Dee feels under the weather, Frank tries to muster his paternal instincts to care for her.
7. Who Got Dee Pregnant?
The gang gets a real scare after Dee reveals she's pregnant, forcing the guys to recall their last hazy Halloween party to determine who the father is.
8. The Gang Gets a New Member
A blast from the past prompts the guys to expand membership, and Dee to re-consider her future.
9. Dee Reynolds: Shaping America's Youth
Motivated by the drama teacher who inspired her, Dee takes a job as a substitute teacher, and exposes her students to the culture of Paddy's with a field trip to see the Gang's take on the Lethal Weapon series: Lethal Weapon 5.
10. Charlie Kelly: King of the Rats
Keeping the basement rodent-free drives Charlie to the brink. The gang throws Charlie a surprise party.
11. The Gang Gets Stranded in the Woods
En route to Atlantic City for a charity event, Mac, Frank and Dee get lost. Meanwhile, Dennis and Charlie hitch a ride to town.
12. Dee Gives Birth
Dee's blessed event is fast approaching but the father's identity remains a mystery---to the gang, at least. So they throw a party and invite all of Dee's former flings.
13. A Very Sunny Christmas
After years of being mistreated by Frank during the holiday season, Dennis and Dee decide to teach him a lesson. Meanwhile, Mac and Charlie reflect on their childhood Christmases, and realize that they were not as joyous and wonderful as they remembered.