In the Womb Plot
In the Womb is a documentary television special miniseries that was premiered on March 6, 2005, on the National Geographic Channel. Originally beginning as a special about human pregnancy (titled Life Before Birth in the UK), the program features the development of embryos in the uterus of various animal species. The show makes extensive use of computer-generated imagery to recreate the real stages of the process.
In the Womb In the Womb aired on March 6th, 2005.
In the Womb Episodes
1. Humans
Studying human fetal development via ultrasound technology. Also: a fetoscope procedure is performed to correct a life-threatening condition.
2. Animals
Advanced ultrasound technology is used to trace fetal development of elephants, dolphins and dogs from conception to birth.
3. Multiples
Following the fetal development and interaction of twins, triplets and quadruplets with 4-D ultrasonography and other fetal-imaging techniques.
4. Identical Twins
Twin fetal development is chronicled, using advanced ultrasound technology. Also: a look the influence genes have on personalities, sexual preferences and other characteristics.
5. Dogs
Chronicling the fetal development of wolves and dogs. Included: a look inside the wombs of a mastiff, a golden retriever and a Chihuahua.
6. Cats
The in-utero journeys of a house cat and a lion are observed.
7. Extreme Animals
Advanced ultrasound technology is used to trace fetal development of various animals from conception to birth. Included: sharks; emperor penguins; red kangaroos; and parasitic wasps.