Season 1 Episodes
1. Bolivia
Gerarda Morals is an Aymara Indian like half the population of Bolivia, and the president of a self-help charity network in the la Paz region. Glaciers are the main source of water for the region but they are now melting at an alarming rate. The whole balance of the region is under threat.
2. Australia
For 38 years, Clem and Cheryle Hodges have lived as farmers in New South Wales. These past five years, they have suffered from an exceptionally long and severe drought. Global warming? The Hodges are sceptical.
3. Canada
A courageous and spirited Inuit woman, Ulaayu Pilurtuut lives in the heart of the Canadian Great North, where she teaches Inuktut, the language of her people. The melting of the ice shelf, caused by global warming, threatens the existence of hunting, the traditional activity of communities in the region. Ulaayu wants to help the local youth invent a new future without losing touch with their roots and their identity.
4. Egypt
Manar Ezat is the first female professor specialised in fish farming in Egypt. Endlessly she visits and advises the fish farmers along the Nile delta - including those who let their traditional farming activity to develop and live from this new agro-industry. As the sea expands over the delta, silt disappears and salinity in water and soil increases. About a third of the country's population is to be eventually affected, thought farmers and fisherman are the first and main victims.
5. Spain
At the heart of the Valencia Huerta, Antonio Niguez watches worriedly the orange trees of his parcel wither away. This semi-arid region, true garden in the southeast of Spain, suffers from a chronic lack of water, worsened by global warming. Despite an irrigation system that has been regulated for centuries by the "Water Tribunal" of Valencia, the threat of desertification looms.
7. Japan
Katsuo Sasaki grows rice in Miyagi Province where the crop has a strong reputation. And yet he is becoming impoverished since never before seen insects have started to attack his crops. Katsuo wonders what Nature can endure... And for how much longer...
8. Mali
In the North of Mali, Khissa lives along the banks of Lake Faguibine. A location erstwhile "blessed by Gods"...An area of exchange for nomad breeders, Sonrai farmers and Bozo fishermen. But during the Sahel drought, the lake suddenly dried out. Like many other Tuareg, Khissa lost everything, namely his independence and his pride.
9. Netherlands
Global warming causes the icecap to melt which induces a rise in sea level. A nightmare for the Dutch since 60% of their territory lies below that very sea level. This concerns Oebele Wiedjik who lives in a polder. This is a major concern for all farmers living in the Noordward polder who know they are living on borrowed time and are facing difficult choices.